TRApi is a TypeScript library designed to interact with the Trade Republic API. It facilitates logging in, maintaining a WebSocket connection, and subscribing to various message types. This project is currently under development. This project was created using bun v1.1.13. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.
- Login: Authenticate using phone number and PIN.
- WebSocket Connection: Establish and maintain a connection with the Trade Republic WebSocket API.
- Subscriptions: Subscribe to various message types and handle incoming data.
bun i NightOwl07/trade-republic-api
Here is a basic example of how to use the api to get your portfolio and print all companies:
const api = new TRApi("phoneNumber", "pin");
await api.login();
var portfolioMessage = createMessage("compactPortfolioByType");
api.subscribeOnce(portfolioMessage, (data) => {
if (!data) {
var portfolio: Portfolio = JSON.parse(data);
var categories = portfolio.categories.filter(c => c.categoryType != "cryptos");
if (!categories) {
let companies: string[] = Array.from(new Set(categories.flatMap(category => =>
pos.derivativeInfo ? pos.derivativeInfo.underlying.shortName :
// sub to tesla ticker on lsx (id = ISIN.Exchange [LSX | BHS | TUB | SGL | BVT ..])
api.subscribe(createMessage("ticker", { id: "US88160R1014.LSX" }), (data) => {
if (!data) {
// search
var searchMessage = createMessage("neonSearch", {
data: {
q: "amd",
page: 1,
pageSize: 3,
filter: [
{ key: "type", value: "stock" },
{ key: "jurisdiction", value: "DE" }
api.subscribeOnce(searchMessage, (data) => {
console.log("serach data", data);
Logs in to the Trade Republic API using the provided phone number and PIN.
subscribe<T extends keyof MessageTypeMap>(message: Message<T>, callback: (data: string | null) => void)
Subscribes to a specific message type. The callback function is called whenever a message of the subscribed type is received.
Note: This project is still in development. Features and functionalities may change, and there may be bugs or incomplete features. Please use with caution.