Project to practice HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills
- HTML - create an html page to display a table with a list of accounts.
- CSS - visualize page.
- Javascript - generate basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations based on provided api. Validate input data.
- Download Tomcat(version 9 - Important) :
- Set up the launch of the application through the Idea: Alt + Shift + F9 -> Edit Configurations… -> Alt + insert -> tom (in the search bar) -> Local.
After that, you need to click CONFIGURE and indicate where the archive with Tomcat was downloaded and unpacked.
In the Deployment tab: Alt + insert -> Artifact… -> rpg:war exploded -> OK.
Leave only / (forward slash) in the Application context: field.
Click APPLY.
Close the settings window.
- Launch the application. To do this: Alt + Shift + F9 -> (config name, I named it 'App') -> Run.
- After deploying the application, a new tab will open in the browser selected during configuration.
URL - /rest/players
Method - Optional: Integer pageNumber, Integer pageSize
Data Params - None
Success Response - Code: 200 OK
Content: [
- pageNumber – a parameter that is responsible for the number of the displayed page when using paging.
The numbering starts from zero.
- pageSize – parameter that is responsible for the number of results on one page when paging.
public enum Race {
public enum Profession {
URL - /rest/players/count
Method - GET
URL Params - None
Data Params - None
Success Response - Code: 200 OK
Content: Integer
URL - /rest/players/{id}
Method - DELETE
URL Params - id
Data Params - None
Success Response - Code: 200 OK
- If the player is not found - response with an error code 404.
- If the id value is not valid, the response will be an error with a 400 code.
URL - /rest/players/{id}
Method - POST
URL Params - id
Data Params:
“name”:[String], --optional
“title”:[String], --optional
“race”:[Race], --optional
“profession”:[Profession], --optional
“banned”:[Boolean] --optional
Success Response - Code: 200 OK
Content: {
- Only fields that are not null are updated.
- If the player is not found in the database, the response is an error with the 404 code.
- If the id value is not valid, the response is an error with a 400 code.
URL - /rest/players
Method - POST
URL Params - None
Data Params:
“banned”:[Boolean], --optional, default=false
Success Response - Code: 200 OK
Content: {
We cannot create a player if:
- not all parameters from Data Params are specified (except for banned);
- the length of the “name” or “title” parameter value exceeds the size of the corresponding field (12 and 30 characters);
- the value of the “name” parameter is an empty string;
- the level is outside the specified limits (from 0 to 100);
- birthday:[Long] < 0;
- date of registration are outside the specified limits.
- In the case of all of the above, the response is an error with a 400 code.