Nillion-client is a Python client for building on top of the Nillion Network. It can be used to manage Nada programs, store and retrieve values, and run computations.
See the official Nillion documentation site for more about Nillion Clients, Python Client Examples and the Python Client Reference.
This project uses uv to manage itself. Be sure that you have it installed.
To install dependencies and setup project
uv sync
First ensure that you have the nillion-devnet running
Then in a new terminal
uv run pytest
This project uses ruff as linter and formatter, it gets installed as a dependency.
To format code:
uv run ruff format
To lint:
uv run ruff check
In order to generate the documentation first install the dependencies and set up the project:
uv sync
Then activate the virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
# Use .venv/bin/ if you're using fish shell
And finally run:
./docs/ output_directory
The docs will be generated in output_directory
Release candidates are published on every merge to the main
To release a new version of the client non rc, follow these steps:
just release
and bump the version in the pyproject.toml
file for the new rc.