- Netherlands
- @ninblehq
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- name-census-top-100 Public
The Name Census top 100 is a database with first names and surnames that is created by name lists obtained from governments and cross-referencing it with millions of names from publicly available social media profiles.
- name-parser-python Public
Your name contains a lot of information. It tells if you're male or female and reveals your nationality. This project splits a name or email address into the first and last name and tells if a name is male or female and what the possible nationality is. Additionally this project can generate fake names and extract names from any given text.
- name-parser-php Public
Your name contains a lot of information. It tells if you're male or female and reveals your nationality. This project splits a name or email address into the first and last name and tells if a name is male or female and what the possible nationality is. Additionally this project can generate fake names and extract names from any given text.
This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization.