🔭 I’m currently learning Laravel ❤ then => continue Reddit chrome extension!
🌱 I’m currently learning sveltekit, supabase and google chrome extension development
💬 Ask me about anything you wan't if i can't answer it i'll just ask chatGPT 🤷♂️
⚡ Funfact: Did you know that the transistor is the most produced product by humans
I love programming and spend a lot of my free time just figuring out stuff. A lot of my knowledge is gained this way. Always interested in new stuff and never afraid to figure something out!
I'm just going to list all technologies I have worked with in the past! (may there be some duplicates with the icons)
MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Neo4J, Vitess(MySQL via Planetscale, orig. YouTube), PostgreSQL, MSSQL, OracleDB Datamodelling (incl. Oracle Database Design Certificate view on )
C++, C#, Java, JavaScript(incl. Typescript), PHP, Python, Golang, Bash, Powershell
React, Svelte, Vue
Java Spring, Laravel, NestJs, Expressjs, Golang, Flask
Git, Docker, VPS, GCP, AWS, RestAPI, Postman, Insomnia, VsCode, MySQL Workbench, Bootstrap, DaisyUI, CSS, TailwindCSS, Object Oriented Programming, HTML, Server Management/Configuration(Windows Server, Ubuntu on GCP, Digital Ocean, Oracle Cloud), Digital Ocean, Oracle Cloud, NodeJs, Nginx, JWT, RaspberryPI, Arduino, Chrome Extensions Manifest V3, Prisma, Linux, Ubuntu, Alpine, Windows, Supabase, TDD, Regex, CRUD, Figma, Swagger, Markdown, ABAP, Stripe (for payments)