Forge Production 1.1.0
Changes and additions:
Re-designed and rewritten mod internals - this update is most certainly guaranteed to break your saves.
Reshuffled and removed some superficial settings.
Production report message icon no longer clickable and doesn't take you to intel tab anymore.
Production now also has a chance to trigger fatal incidents which result in a loss of crew, similar to breakdowns.
Redone pretty much every tooltip - hullmods, ability, report.
Removed civgrade and cargo restrictions, replaced with CR malus.
Added control panel, which allows for toggling of individual production capacities. No more setting repairs suspension!
Added hull parts production capacity - can produce some derelict and low tech frigates at a steep cost, requires having Salvage Rigs.
Added plausible way of obtaining hullmods - salvage from derelict Motherships. Hullmods are now unobtainable via normal drop or markets.
Included interactive production values spreadsheet in release package - might be a help in making settings adjustments.
Tracked issues:
Mouseover events in nested scrollable areas glitch - fixed by Alex in next release.
Ship icon perma-mods widget rendering glitch - fixed by Alex in next release.
Unsatisfactory hull parts icon - work pending due to lack of artistic skill.
Unsatisfactory sound effects qualtiy - work pending due to lack of sound design skill.