!Repo is archived and all playwright tests merged into the main repo
NOTE: All commands are assumed to be executed from this (playwright) directory unless otherwise noted
Start openc3
OPENC3> openc3.bat start
Open OpenC3 in your browser. It should take you to the login screen. Set the password to "password"
Install testing dependencies with yarn
playwright> yarn playwright> npx playwright install
Generate the test plugins (must be located above this directory). If openc3.sh isn't in your path you might need to ues an absolute or relative path to it.
playwright> cd .. > openc3.sh cliroot generate plugin PW_TEST > cd openc3-cosmos-pw-test openc3-pw-test> openc3.sh cliroot rake build VERSION=1.0.0 openc3-pw-test> mv openc3-cosmos-pw-test*.gem openc3-cosmos-pw-test-1.0.0.gem openc3-pw-test> cp openc3-cosmos-pw-test-1.0.0.gem openc3-cosmos-pw-test-1.0.1.gem
Set Enterprise if running against OpenC3 COSMOS Enterprise
playwright> set ENTERPRISE=1
Open playwright and run tests
playwright> yarn playwright test --headed --project=chromium
Enable the playwright inspector / debugger with
playwright> set PWDEBUG=1 playwright> yarn playwright test --headed --project=chromium
[Optional] Fix istanbul/nyc coverage source lookups (use
if not on Windows). Tests will run successfully without this step and you will get coverage statistics, but line-by-line coverage won't work.playwright> yarn fixwindows
Create code coverage
playwright> yarn coverage
Code coverage reports can be viewed at playwright/coverage/index.html