Welcome to the OpenSpace Hub. Here you will find items (assets, profiles, recordings, webpanels, configs, packages) built by the community. Download them or use the Import button when OpenSpace is running to have OpenSpace download them for you.
To deploy the system locally using docker-compose, follow those step:
Copy env.default to .env inside frontend folder and update the variables there.
cd frontend
cp .env.default .env
To reset the database or to load the sample hubitems, configs, users collections, run num run seed
create the folders OpenSpace-Hub/uploads/firebase-admin
Go to Firebase -> Project Settings -> Service Accounts -> Generate new private key
. It will download a .json file. Rename the file to authentication-4b8de-firebase-adminsdk.json
. Save this file to the location OpenSpace-Hub/uploads/firebase-admin
Navigate to the root directory of the repository (OpenSpace-Hub folder) and build docker-compose.yaml file.
cd ../
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Note: If you are running on a non-standard architecture (such as ARM), then you need to use bcryptjs instead of bcrypt.
Access the server on http://localhost:9000/
Old Server: https://hub.openspaceproject.com
Privacy URL: [http://files.openspace.amnh.org/static/web/privacy.html] (http://files.openspace.amnh.org/static/web/privacy.html)
T&C URL: [http://files.openspace.amnh.org/static/web/terms.html] (http://files.openspace.amnh.org/static/web/terms.html)