Orderly Network integration plugin for Eliza OS that enables trading on the Orderly Network decentralized exchange platform.
This plugin provides seamless integration with Orderly Network, a high-performance decentralized exchange platform. It enables users to perform various trading operations including deposits, withdrawals, order creation, and position management.
- Deposit funds to Orderly Network
- Withdraw funds from Orderly Network
- Create trading orders
- Close trading positions
- Multiple network support (mainnet, testnet)
- Secure transaction signing
- Comprehensive error handling
pnpm install @elizaos/plugin-orderly
The plugin requires some common environment variables and additional chain-specific variables depending on your chosen chain mode.
# Core Orderly Configuration
ORDERLY_PRIVATE_KEY= # Your private key for signing transactions (ed25519 format)
ORDERLY_BROKER_ID=demo # Your broker ID (default: demo)
ORDERLY_NETWORK=testnet # Network to connect to (testnet or mainnet)
ORDERLY_CHAIN_MODE= # Chain mode to use (evm or solana)
You can generate your Orderly private key using the Orderly Broker Registration Tool. This tool will provide you with the necessary credentials to interact with the Orderly Network.
, set these variables:
# EVM Configuration
EVM_PRIVATE_KEY= # Your EVM wallet private key
EVM_PROVIDER_URL= # Default RPC URL for mainnet (optional)
# RPC URLs for each chain you want to use
# Replace <chainname> with the uppercase chain name (e.g., ARBITRUMSEPOLIA, OPTIMISM, etc.)
ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_<chainname>= # RPC URL for the specific chain
# Examples:
For each EVM chain you specify in your character configuration, you must provide a corresponding RPC URL in the environment variables. The environment variable name should be ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_
followed by the chain name in uppercase.
If using ORDERLY_CHAIN_MODE=solana
, set these variables:
# Solana Configuration
SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY= # Your Solana wallet private key (base58 encoded)
The plugin will automatically:
- Derive your public key from the private key
- Use the appropriate Solana RPC endpoints based on your
setting:- For
: https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com - For
: https://api.devnet.solana.com
- For
In your character configuration file (e.g., character.json
"settings": {
"chains": {
"evm": ["arbitrumSepolia"] // Array of supported EVM chains
No additional chain configuration is needed in the character file. The appropriate Solana network is automatically determined by your ORDERLY_NETWORK
EVM Mainnet Chains (ORDERLY_NETWORK=mainnet
(Arbitrum One)optimism
(OP Mainnet)base
EVM Testnet Chains (ORDERLY_NETWORK=testnet
(Arbitrum Sepolia)optimismSepolia
(OP Sepolia)baseSepolia
(Base Sepolia)mantleSepoliaTestnet
(Mantle Sepolia)seiDevnet
(Sei Devnet)avalancheFuji
(Avalanche Fuji)
Solana Chains (ORDERLY_CHAIN_MODE=solana
- When
: Uses Solana mainnet-beta - When
: Uses Solana devnet
Note: Only chains that match your ORDERLY_NETWORK
setting will be available for use.
import { orderlyPlugin } from "@elizaos/plugin-orderly";
const result = await eliza.execute({
action: "DEPOSIT_USDC",
content: {
amount: "100",
token: "USDC",
const result = await eliza.execute({
action: "CREATE_ORDER",
content: {
symbol: "PERP_ETH_USDC",
orderType: "LIMIT",
side: "BUY",
price: "1800",
quantity: "1",
const result = await eliza.execute({
content: {
symbol: "PERP_ETH_USDC",
quantity: "1",
const result = await eliza.execute({
action: "WITHDRAW_USDC",
content: {
token: "USDC",
amount: "50",
Deposits USDC funds into your Orderly Network account.
action: 'DEPOSIT_USDC',
content: {
token: string, // Token symbol (e.g., "USDC")
amount: string, // Amount to deposit
Creates a new trading order.
action: 'CREATE_ORDER',
content: {
symbol: string, // Trading pair (e.g., "PERP_ETH_USDC")
orderType: string, // "LIMIT" or "MARKET"
side: string, // "BUY" or "SELL"
price: string, // Price for limit orders
quantity: string // Order quantity
Closes an existing trading position.
content: {
symbol: string, // Trading pair
quantity: string // Position size to close
Withdraws USDC funds from your Orderly Network account.
action: 'WITHDRAW_USDC',
content: {
token: string, // Token symbol (e.g., "USDC")
amount: string // Amount to withdraw
- @elizaos/core: Core Eliza OS functionality
- @elizaos/plugin-evm: EVM blockchain integration
- @noble/ed25519: ED25519 cryptographic operations
- @orderly.network/core: Orderly Network core functionality
- @orderly.network/default-solana-adapter: Solana adapter for Orderly Network
- @orderly.network/types: Orderly Network type definitions
- @solana/spl-token: Solana SPL token functionality
- @solana/web3.js: Solana Web3 library
- bignumber.js: Precise number handling
- bs58: Base58 encoding/decoding
- ts-pattern: Pattern matching for TypeScript
- zod: TypeScript-first schema validation
This plugin is part of the Eliza project. See the main project repository for license information.