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fakeStoreApi is an online REST API that you can use whenever you need Pseudo-real data for your e-commerce or shopping website without running any server-side code.

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My Ecommerce Software Requirements

fakeStoreApi is an online REST API that you can use whenever you need Pseudo-real data for your e-commerce or shopping website without running any server-side code.

The features in the API :

  • ✅ Signing Up, signing in and signing out of users
  • ✅ Authentication using JSON Web tokens (JWT).
  • ✅ Advance searching, sorting, pagination and filtering
  • ✅ Schema validation using Express-Validator
  • ✅ single/multiple Image upload and image processing
  • ✅ All CRUD Operations
  • ✅ Star rating system
  • ✅ Discount coupon code
  • ✅ Add to wishlist
  • ✅ Add to cart


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://link-to-project

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  node index.js

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file



API Authentication

Some endpoints may require authentication for example To create a create/delete/update category, you need to register your API users and obtain an access token.

The endpoints that require authentication expect a bearer token sent in the Authorization header.


Authorization: Bearer YOUR TOKEN

Users { @access : Admin }

Endpoints for Users

User Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/users GET Private/Admin Get all users
/api/users/{id} GET Private/Admin Get a single user
/api/users POST Private/Admin Create a user
/api/users/{id} PUT Private/Admin Update a user
/api/users/{id} DELETE Private/Admin Delete a user
/api/users/changeMyPassword/{id} PUT Private/Admin Change Password

Get all users

You can access the list of users by using the /api/users endpoint.

    "_id": "63bc7cb13e721990a8cc4ff5",
    "name": "Jhon",
    "email": "",
    "password": "$2a$12$ZZuflASgU6q.hZ0PsoqtL.tGocZZtBUAxHsvP/jvz3APY70/8BU2y",
    "role": "user",
    "active": true,
    "wishlist": [],
    "addresses": [],
    "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:44:33.095Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T20:44:33.095Z"
  // ...

Get a single user

You can get a single user by adding the id as a parameter: /api/users/{userId}

  "data": {
    "_id": "63bc7cb13e721990a8cc4ff5",
    "name": "Jhon",
    "email": "",
    "password": "$2a$12$ZZuflASgU6q.hZ0PsoqtL.tGocZZtBUAxHsvP/jvz3APY70/8BU2y",
    "role": "user",
    "active": true,
    "wishlist": [],
    "addresses": [],
    "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:44:33.095Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T20:44:33.095Z",
    "__v": 0

Create a user

You can create a new user by sending an object like the following to /api/users/

  "name": "Oscar",
  "email": "",
  "password": "123456",
  "passwordConfirm": "123456"
    "data": {
        "name": "Oscar",
        "slug": "oscar",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2a$12$LhfBZCCTvsKgSmBKS9brN.tRKSVKuWJYVc1Kr1fh65hMuBWU3N12O",
        "role": "user",
        "active": true,
        "wishlist": [],
        "_id": "63bc81973e721990a8cc501f",
        "addresses": [],
        "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:05:27.441Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:05:27.441Z",
        "__v": 0

Note that the password will be encrypted.

Update a user

You can update a user exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /api/users/{userId}

  "name": "Billy",
  "email": ""
    "data": {
        "_id": "63bc81973e721990a8cc501f",
        "name": "Billy",
        "slug": "billy",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2a$12$LhfBZCCTvsKgSmBKS9brN.tRKSVKuWJYVc1Kr1fh65hMuBWU3N12O",
        "role": "user",
        "active": true,
        "wishlist": [],
        "addresses": [],
        "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:05:27.441Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:07:22.679Z",
        "__v": 0

Note that it is not necessary to send all user attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete a user

You can delete a user exists by adding the id as a parameter: /api/users/{userId}

status : 204 No Content

Change Password

You can change password of any user exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /api/users/changePassword/{userId}

  "currentPassword": "123456",
  "password": "1234",
  "passwordConfirm": "1234"
    "data": {
        "_id": "63bc802d3e721990a8cc5005",
        "name": "Admin",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2a$12$TfmUC4p.eR8HVDyXBGn4y.9EiO.54W5J78rBDxl9PWMuRQN0iMvwy",
        "role": "admin",
        "active": true,
        "wishlist": [],
        "addresses": [],
        "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:59:25.738Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:17:11.214Z",
        "__v": 0,
        "passwordChangedAt": "2023-01-09T21:17:11.214Z"

Schema User

Attribute Type
name string
role string
email string
password string
active boolean
Addresses array

Logged Users

Endpoints for Logged Users

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/users/getMe GET Private/Protect Get Logged User
/api/users/updateMe PUT Private/Protect Update Logged User
/api/users/deleteMe DELETE Private/Protect Deactivate Logged Users
/api/users/activeMe PUT Private/Protect Activate Logged Users

Get Logged User

  "data": {
    "_id": "63bc7cf53e721990a8cc4ff8",
    "name": "Ruby",
    "email": "",
    "password": "$2a$12$vJ1Yf9Jkj700doCaSZBlgudPTOLlzpkGgOlB4fUzOwaKcYyQGfGJS",
    "role": "user",
    "active": true,
    "wishlist": [],
    "addresses": [],
    "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:45:41.648Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T20:45:41.648Z",
    "__v": 0

Update Logged User

You can update logged user by sending an object like the following

  "name": "Ruby",
  "email": ""

Deactivate Logged Users


Activate Logged Users



Endpoints for Authentication

Auth Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/auth/signup POST Public Create a new user in db
/api/auth/login POST Public Authenticate a current user


You can do login by sending an object like the following to /auth/login/

  "email": "",
  "password": "123456"
    "data": {
        "_id": "63bc7cf53e721990a8cc4ff8",
        "name": "Ruby",
        "email": "",
        "role": "user",
        "active": true,
        "wishlist": [],
        "addresses": [],
        "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:45:41.648Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T20:45:41.648Z",
        "__v": 0
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2M2JjN2NmNTNlNzIxOTkwYThjYzRmZjgiLCJpYXQiOjE2NzMyOTczOTYsImV4cCI6MTY4MTA3MzM5Nn0.cHnKhOCIYvWkEvS2yNYKYDrTvvUOV5GaxddTzbqYSLA"

Sign Up

Create a user by sending user's credentials (in JSON format) in the Body of the HTTP Request. The content of the Body should look like the following:

  "name": "Ruby",
  "email": "",
  "password": "123456",
  "passwordConfirm": "123456"
    "data": {
        "name": "Ruby",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2a$12$vJ1Yf9Jkj700doCaSZBlgudPTOLlzpkGgOlB4fUzOwaKcYyQGfGJS",
        "role": "user",
        "active": true,
        "wishlist": [],
        "_id": "63bc7cf53e721990a8cc4ff8",
        "addresses": [],
        "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:45:41.648Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T20:45:41.648Z",
        "__v": 0
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2M2JjN2NmNTNlNzIxOTkwYThjYzRmZjgiLCJpYXQiOjE2NzMyOTcxNDQsImV4cCI6MTY4MTA3MzE0NH0.FpBunPGtHG88Xi2fvJ4k-q7t3vW_ARPBpmAH-eMAmzQ"


Endpoints for Categories

Category Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/categories/ POST Private/Admin Create a category
/api/categories/:categoryId/ PUT Private/Admin Update a category
/api/categories/:categoryId/ DELETE Private/Admin Delete a category
/api/categories/:categoryId GET Public Get a single category
/api/categories/?page=2&limit=1 GET Public Get List of Categories
/api/categories/:categoryId/products GET Public Get all products by category

Create a category

You can create a new category by sending an object like the following to /categories/

  "name": "Dog Food",
  "image": ""
    "data": {
        "name": "Dog Food",
        "slug": "dog-food",
        "image": "",
        "_id": "63bc88ec3e721990a8cc5064",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:36:44.017Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:36:44.017Z",
        "__v": 0

Update a category

You can update a category exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /categories/{categoryId}

  "name": "Change name"

Note that it is not necessary to send all user attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete a category

You can delete a category exists by adding the idas a parameter: /api/users/{id}

status : 204 No Content

Get a single category

You can get a single category by adding the id as a parameter: /categories/{categoryId}

  "data": {
    "_id": "63bc88ec3e721990a8cc5064",
    "name": "Dog Food",
    "slug": "dog-food",
    "image": "",
    "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:36:44.017Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:36:44.017Z",
    "__v": 0

Get all categories

You can access the list of categories by using the /categories endpoint.

  "data": [
      "_id": "63bc88ec3e721990a8cc5064",
      "name": "Dog Food",
      "slug": "dog-food",
      "image": "",
      "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:36:44.017Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:36:44.017Z"
    // ...

Get all products by category

You can access the list of products by using the /categories/{categoryId}/products endpoint.

  "page": 1,
  "result": 5,
  "data": [
      "_id": "636e6bef6c34aa33724e6cd9",
      "title": "Mens Cotton Jacket",
      "slug": "mens-cotton-jacket",
      "description": "great outerwear jackets ...........",
      "quantity": 20,
      "sold": 75,
      "price": 55.99,
      "colors": [],
      "category": {
        "_id": "636e61a8aa2719937c3cf0dc",
        "name": "Men's Clothing"
      "subcategories": [],
      "ratingsAverage": 4,
      "ratingsQuantity": 70,
      "createdAt": "2022-11-11T15:36:15.688Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-11-11T15:36:15.688Z"
    // ...

Schema Category

Attribute Type
name string
slug string
image string


Endpoints for Subcategories

Sub-Category Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/subcategories/ POST Private/Admin Add New Sub-Category
/api/subcategories/:id PUT Private/Admin Update specific subCategory
/api/subcategories/:id DELETE Private/Admin Delete specific subCategory
/api/subcategories/?page=2&limit=1 GET Public Get List of subCategories
/api/subcategories/:id GET Public Get specific subCategory
/api/categories/:id/subcategories GET Public Get All Subcategories for Specific Category
/api/categories/:id/subcategories POST Public Create Subcategory on Category

Create Sub-Category

You can create a new subcategory by sending an object like the following to /subcategories/

  "name": "test",
  "category": "636e61cbaa2719937c3cf0e0"

Update a Sub-Category

You can update a Sub-category exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /subcategories/{id}

  "name": "Change name",
  "category": "99999999999"

Note that it is not necessary to send all user attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete a sub-Category

You can delete a subcategory exists by adding the idas a parameter: /api/subcategories/{id}

status : 204 No Content

Get all Sub-Categories

You can access the list of subcategories by using the /subcategories endpoint.

  "page": 1,
  "subcategories": [
      "_id": "63ac8c42e7a0e5ce49dce1bd",
      "name": "Travel & Outdoor",
      "category": "636e61cbaa2719937c3cf0e0",
      "createdAt": "2022-12-28T18:34:42.494Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-28T18:34:42.494Z",
      "__v": 0
    // ...

Get a single sub-Category

You can get a single subcategory by adding the id as a parameter: /subcategories/{id}

  "subcategory": {
    "_id": "63ac901625fabe4f633c4be4",
    "name": "Travel & Outdoor",
    "category": "636e61cbaa2719937c3cf0e0",
    "createdAt": "2022-12-28T18:51:02.581Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-28T18:51:02.581Z"

Get All Subcategories for Specific Category

You can get All Subcategories for Specific Category by adding the categoryId as a parameter: categories/${categoryId}/subcategories

"page": 1,
    "subcategories": [
            "_id": "63ad3d03304ec94eb416f2f9",
            "name": "Shirts",
            "slug": "shirts",
            "category": "636e61a8aa2719937c3cf0dc",
            "createdAt": "2022-12-29T07:08:51.708Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-12-29T07:08:51.708Z",
            "__v": 0
        // ...

Create Subcategory on Category

You can create a new subcategory by sending an object like the following to /categories/${categoryId}/subcategories/

  "name": "test"

Schema Sub-Category

Attribute Type
title string
slug string
category ObjectId


Endpoints for Brands

Brand Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/brand/ POST Private/Admin Add new Brand
/api/brand/:brandId/ PUT Private/Admin Update specific Brand
/api/brand/:brandId/ DELETE Private/Admin Delete specific Brand
/api/brand/?page=2&limit=1 GET Public Get List of Brands
/api/brand/:brandId GET Public Get specific Brand

Add new Brand

You can create a new brand by sending an object like the following to /brands/

  "name": "BMW",
  "image": "http://localhost:3000/brands/brand-4c6dc1a5-c156-409a-8774-1d47b71f3f6d-1672313914144.jpeg"

Update specific Brand

You can update a brand exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /brands/{id}

  "name": "Change name"

Note that it is not necessary to send all brand attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete specific Brand

You can delete brand exists by adding the idas a parameter: /api/brands/{id}

status : 204 No Content

Get List of Brands

You can access the list of brands by using the /brands endpoint.

  "page": 1,
  "result": 13,
  "data": [
      "_id": "63ad7c3aa9e90aed3fac800e",
      "name": "brand name",
      "image": "http://localhost:3000/brands/brand-4c6dc1a5-c156-409a-8774-1d47b71f3f6d-1672313914144.jpeg",
      "createdAt": "2022-12-29T11:38:34.244Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-29T11:38:34.244Z"
    // ...

Get specific Brand

You can get a single brand by adding the id as a parameter: /brands/{id}

  "data": {
    "_id": "63ad7c3aa9e90aed3fac800e",
    "name": "brand name",
    "image": "http://localhost:3000/brands/brand-4c6dc1a5-c156-409a-8774-1d47b71f3f6d-1672313914144.jpeg",
    "createdAt": "2022-12-29T11:38:34.244Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-29T11:38:34.244Z",
    "__v": 0

Schema Brand

Attribute Type
title string
image string


Endpoints for Products

Product Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/products/ POST Private/Admin Create a product
/api/products/:productId PUT Private/Admin Update a product
/api/products/:productId DELETE Private/Admin Delete a product
/api/products/:productId GET Public Get a single product
/api/products/ GET Public Get all products
/api/products/related/:productId/ GET Public Get related products
/api/products/search POST Public Search for a product by price
/api/products?sortedBy=price GET Public Sort results
/api/products?keyword=Clark,Olsen GET Public Search by title or description
/api/products?ratingsAverage[gte]=1.6 GET Public Filter results
/api/products?fields=title,description GET Public Field Limiting

Create a product

You can create a new product by sending an object like the following to /api/products/ endpoint.

  "data": {
    "title": "Pedigree Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak & Vegetable Flavor Dog Kibble Adult Dry Dog Food",
    "slug": "pedigree-complete-nutrition-grilled-steak-and-vegetable-flavor-dog-kibble-adult-dry-dog-food",
    "description": "Give your furry friend a taste of the good life with the Pedigree Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak & Vegetable Flavor Dog Kibble Adult Dry Dog Food. With a succulent steak flavor accented with hearty vegetables, this food has everything you need to keep your dog feeling his best. It’s prepared with whole grains for healthy digestion, plus essential nutrients and omega-6 fatty acids to promote a healthy skin and luxurious coat. And perhaps best of all, the crunchy texture of the kibble helps clean his teeth, so he’s always ready for his close up. It’s the easy way to combine great-tasting food plus nutrition that promotes health and vitality into a single bowl.",
    "quantity": 12,
    "sold": 0,
    "price": 27.78,
    "priceAfterDiscount": 16.99,
    "colors": [],
    "imageCover": "",
    "images": [
    "category": "63bc88ec3e721990a8cc5064",
    "subcategories": [],
    "ratingsQuantity": 0,
    "_id": "63bc8d063e721990a8cc5085",
    "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:54:14.049Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:54:14.049Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "id": "63bc8d063e721990a8cc5085"

Update a product

you can update a product exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /api/products/{id}

  "title": "Change title",
  "price": 100

Note that it is not necessary to send all product attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete a product

You can delete a product exists by adding the id as a parameter: /api/products/{id}

status : 204 No Content

Get a single product

You can get a single product by adding the id as a parameter: /api/products/{id}

  "data": {
    "_id": "63bc8e4b3e721990a8cc5089",
    "title": "Kibbles 'n Bits Original Savory Beef & Chicken Flavors Dry Dog Food",
    "slug": "kibbles-'n-bits-original-savory-beef-and-chicken-flavors-dry-dog-food",
    "description": "Give your pup the nutrition and flavor he loves with the Kibbles 'n Bits Original Savory Beef & Chicken Flavors Dry Dog Food. This formula packs plenty of meaty taste into a blend of crunchy kibble and soft meaty bits made with the flavors of beef and chicken. It’s loaded with high-quality protein to help support strong muscles, plus vitamins, minerals and antioxidants so it’s a complete and balanced diet for adults. Plus, it’s proudly made in the USA so it’s a satisfying meal you can feel good about serving your dog every day!\n\n",
    "quantity": 80,
    "sold": 0,
    "price": 26.83,
    "priceAfterDiscount": 25.49,
    "colors": [],
    "imageCover": "",
    "images": [
    "category": {
      "name": "Dog Food"
    "subcategories": [],
    "ratingsQuantity": 0,
    "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:59:39.954Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:59:39.954Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "reviews": [],
    "id": "63bc8e4b3e721990a8cc5089"

Get all products

You can access the list of 200 products by using the /api/products endpoint.

  "results": 2,
  "paginationResult": {
    "currentPage": 1,
    "limit": 50,
    "numberOfPages": 1
  "data": [
      "_id": "63bc8d063e721990a8cc5085",
      "title": "Pedigree Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak & Vegetable Flavor Dog Kibble Adult Dry Dog Food",
      "slug": "pedigree-complete-nutrition-grilled-steak-and-vegetable-flavor-dog-kibble-adult-dry-dog-food",
      "description": "Give your furry friend a taste of the good life with the Pedigree Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak & Vegetable Flavor Dog Kibble Adult Dry Dog Food. With a succulent steak flavor accented with hearty vegetables, this food has everything you need to keep your dog feeling his best. It’s prepared with whole grains for healthy digestion, plus essential nutrients and omega-6 fatty acids to promote a healthy skin and luxurious coat. And perhaps best of all, the crunchy texture of the kibble helps clean his teeth, so he’s always ready for his close up. It’s the easy way to combine great-tasting food plus nutrition that promotes health and vitality into a single bowl.",
      "quantity": 12,
      "sold": 0,
      "price": 27.78,
      "priceAfterDiscount": 16.99,
      "colors": [],
      "imageCover": "",
      "images": [
      "category": {
        "name": "Dog Food"
      "subcategories": [],
      "ratingsQuantity": 0,
      "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:54:14.049Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:54:14.049Z",
      "id": "63bc8d063e721990a8cc5085"
    // ...

Get Related Products

You can get related product by adding the /api/products/related/{id} endpoint.

    "_id": "636e6bef6c34aa33724e6cdb",
    "title": "John Hardy Women's Legends Naga Gold & Silver Dragon Station Chain Bracelet",
    "slug": "john-hardy-women's-legends-naga-gold-and-silver-dragon-station-chain-bracelet",
    "description": "From our Legends Collection, the Naga was inspired by the .....................",
    "quantity": 91,
    "sold": 23,
    "price": 695,
    "colors": [],
    "imageCover": "",
    "images": [],
    "category": {
      "_id": "636e64579569c30b4ef8de53",
      "name": "Women's Clothing"
    "subcategories": [],
    "ratingsAverage": 4.4,
    "ratingsQuantity": 12,
    "createdAt": "2022-11-11T15:36:15.688Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-20T12:12:03.570Z"
  // ...

Search for a product by price

You can search for a product by price by sending an object like the following

  "filters": {
    "price": [4, 20]

Search by title or description

To Search by title or description the API needs to be called with the keyword set word that you want

  "results": 1,
  "paginationResult": {
    "currentPage": 1,
    "limit": 50,
    "numberOfPages": 1
  "data": [
      "_id": "63bc8e4b3e721990a8cc5089",
      "title": "Kibbles 'n Bits Original Savory Beef & Chicken Flavors Dry Dog Food",
      "slug": "kibbles-'n-bits-original-savory-beef-and-chicken-flavors-dry-dog-food",
      "description": "Give your pup the nutrition and flavor he loves with the Kibbles 'n Bits Original Savory Beef & Chicken Flavors Dry Dog Food. This formula packs plenty of meaty taste into a blend of crunchy kibble and soft meaty bits made with the flavors of beef and chicken. It’s loaded with high-quality protein to help support strong muscles, plus vitamins, minerals and antioxidants so it’s a complete and balanced diet for adults. Plus, it’s proudly made in the USA so it’s a satisfying meal you can feel good about serving your dog every day!\n\n",
      "quantity": 80,
      "sold": 0,
      "price": 26.83,
      "priceAfterDiscount": 25.49,
      "colors": [],
      "imageCover": "",
      "images": [
      "category": {
        "name": "Dog Food"
      "subcategories": [],
      "ratingsQuantity": 0,
      "createdAt": "2023-01-09T21:59:39.954Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T21:59:39.954Z",
      "id": "63bc8e4b3e721990a8cc5089"
    // ..

Filter results

To Filter results the API needs to be called with the ratingsAverage[gte] set number that you want

  "page": 1,
  "result": 16,
  "data": [
      "_id": "636e6bef6c34aa33724e6cd9",
      "title": "Mens Cotton Jacket",
      "slug": "mens-cotton-jacket",
      "description": "great outerwear jackets for Spring/Autumn/Winter, .........",
      "quantity": 20,
      "sold": 75,
      "price": 55.99,
      "colors": [],
      "category": {
        "_id": "636e61a8aa2719937c3cf0dc",
        "name": "Men's Clothing"
      "subcategories": [],
      "ratingsAverage": 4,
      "ratingsQuantity": 70,
      "createdAt": "2022-11-11T15:36:15.688Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-11-11T15:36:15.688Z"
  // ...

Field Limiting

To Field Limiting the API needs to be called with the fields set attribute that you want to display

  "results": 2,
  "paginationResult": {
    "currentPage": 1,
    "limit": 50,
    "numberOfPages": 1
  "data": [
      "_id": "63bc8d063e721990a8cc5085",
      "title": "Pedigree Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak & Vegetable Flavor Dog Kibble Adult Dry Dog Food",
      "price": 27.78,
      "category": {
        "name": "Dog Food"
      "id": "63bc8d063e721990a8cc5085"
    // ..

Product Schema

Attribute Type
title string
slug string
description string
quantity Number
price Number
sold Number
priceAfterDiscount Number
Colors arrays
imageCover string
images images
category ObjectId
subcategories ObjectId
brand ObjectId
ratingsAverage Number
ratingsAverage Number
ratingsQuantity Number
shipping Boolean


Endpoints for Reviews

Review Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/reviews/ POST Private/Protect Add new Review
/api/reviews/:reviewId PUT Private/Protect Update specific review
/api/reviews/:reviewId DELETE Private/Protect/Admin Delete specific review
/api/reviews/?page=2&limit=1 GET Public Get List of reviews
/api/reviews/:reviewId GET Public Get specific review
/api/products/:productId/reviews GET Public Get all reviews on specifique products

Add new Review

You can create a new review by sending an object like the following to /api/reviews/ endpoint.

  "title": "Good Product",
  "ratings": 4,
  "product": "63adace3279142448c05b4fb"

Update a review

you can update review exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /api/reviews/{id}

  "title": "updating Reviews",
  "ratings": 5

Note that it is not necessary to send all review attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete specific review

You can delete specific review by adding the id as a parameter: /api/reviews/{id}

status : 204 No Content

Get specific review

You can get specific review by adding the id as a parameter: /api/reviews/{id}

  "data": {
    "_id": "63aec38300b84ab23dbf222d",
    "title": "Good Product",
    "ratings": 4,
    "user": {
      "_id": "63a9b1b28fbd8a25a5202f58",
      "name": "Emma"
    "product": "63adad1c279142448c05b4ff",
    "createdAt": "2022-12-30T10:54:59.146Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-30T10:54:59.146Z"

Get List of reviews

You can access the list of reviews by using the /api/reviews endpoint.

  "page": 1,
  "result": 7,
  "data": [
      "_id": "63aec39f00b84ab23dbf2236",
      "title": "Good Product",
      "ratings": 5,
      "user": {
        "_id": "63a9b1b28fbd8a25a5202f58",
        "name": "Emma"
      "product": "63adace3279142448c05b4fb",
      "createdAt": "2022-12-30T10:55:27.679Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-30T10:55:55.834Z"
    // ...

Get all reviews on specifique products

You can access the list of reviews on specifique products by using the /api/{productId}/reviews endpoint.

  "result": 2,
  "data": [
      "_id": "63aec1dff1a585ce1a2cd108",
      "title": "Bad Product",
      "ratings": 2,
      "user": {
        "_id": "63aead724ba368735b49ae67",
        "name": "KvnHart"
      "product": "63adace3279142448c05b4fb",
      "createdAt": "2022-12-30T10:47:59.701Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-30T10:47:59.701Z",
      "__v": 0
    // ...

Review Schema

Review Schema:

Attribute Type
title string
ratings Number
user ObjectId
product ObjectId


Endpoints for Wishlist

Wishlist Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/wishlist/ POST Private/User Add Product To Wishlist
/api/wishlist/:ProductId/ DELETE Private/User Remove Product From Wishlist
/api/wishlist/ GET Private/User Get Logged User Wishlist

Add Product To Wishlist

You can add Product To Wishlist by sending an object like the following to /api/wishlist/ endpoint.

  "product": "63ada0558394679ebc49646f"

Remove Product From Wishlist

You can Remove Product From Wishlist by adding the id as a parameter: /api/wishlist/{id}

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Product removed successfully from your wishlist.",
  "data": ["63adace3279142448c05b4fb", "63ada0558394679ebc49646f"]

Get Logged User Wishlist

You can access the list of User Wishlist by using the /api/wishlist endpoint.

  "status": "success",
  "results": 2,
  "data": [
      "_id": "63adace3279142448c05b4fb",
      "title": "Big Chill Women's Wrap Fleece Jacket",
      "slug": "big-chill-women's-wrap-fleece-jacket",
      "description": "Fleece is not only for athleisure! ..........",
      "quantity": 3,
      "sold": 0,
      "price": 44.96,
      "priceAfterDiscount": 14.99,
      "colors": [],
      "imageCover": "product-3eed9312-8a1f-4a9c-b4a2-ce5a652d5f5c-1672326370700-cover.jpeg",
      "images": [
      "category": {
        "_id": "636e64579569c30b4ef8de53",
        "name": "Women's Clothing"
      "subcategories": [],
      "ratingsQuantity": 2,
      "createdAt": "2022-12-29T15:06:11.655Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-30T10:55:55.852Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "ratingsAverage": 3.5
    // ...


Endpoints for Addresses

Addresses Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/addressess/ POST Private/User Add address to user addresses list
/api/addressess/:addressId/ DELETE Private/User Remove address from user addresses list
/api/addressess/ GET Private/User Get logged user addresses list

Add address to user addresses list

You can Add address to user addresses list by sending an object like the following to /api/addressess/ endpoint.

  "alias": "Home",
  "details": "985 Pinnickinnick Street",
  "phone": "615-827-2462",
  "city": "Sayreville",
  "postalCode": "08872"

Remove address from user addresses list

You can Remove address from user addresses list by adding the id as a parameter: /api/addressess/{id}

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Address removed successfully.",
  "data": [
      "alias": "Home",
      "details": "985 Pinnickinnick Street",
      "phone": "615-827-2462",
      "city": "Sayreville",
      "postalCode": "08872",
      "_id": "63b045fbdd839ae49bd78e5f"
    // ..

Get logged user addresses list

You can access the list of addresses by using the /api/addressess endpoint.

  "status": "success",
  "results": 2,
  "data": [
      "alias": "Home",
      "details": "985 Pinnickinnick Street",
      "phone": "615-827-2462",
      "city": "Sayreville",
      "postalCode": "08872",
      "_id": "63b045fbdd839ae49bd78e5f"
    // ..


Endpoints for Coupon

Coupon Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/coupons/ POST Private/Admin Create Coupon
/api/coupons/:id/ PUT Private/Admin Update specific Coupon
/api/coupons/:id/ DELETE Private/Admin Delete specific Coupon
/api/coupons/ GET Public Get All Coupons
/api/coupons/:id/ GET Public Get specific Coupon

Create Coupon

You can Create Coupon by sending an object like the following to /coupons/

  "name": "HAPPY20",
  "expire": "2021/12/01",
  "discount": 30

Update specific coupon

You can Update specific coupon by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /coupons/{id}

  "discount": 10

Note that it is not necessary to send all coupon attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete specific coupon

You can Delete specific coupon by adding the idas a parameter: /api/coupons/{id}

status : 204 No Content

Get list of coupons

You can access the list of coupons by using the /api/coupons endpoint.

  "page": 1,
  "result": 3,
  "data": [
      "_id": "63b0552c3fb00490d0b7d573",
      "name": "HAPPY20",
      "expire": "2021-11-30T23:00:00.000Z",
      "discount": 20,
      "createdAt": "2022-12-31T15:28:44.651Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-31T15:28:44.651Z"
    // ..

Get specific coupon

You can get specific coupon by adding the id as a parameter: /api/coupons/{id}

  "data": {
    "_id": "63b0552c3fb00490d0b7d573",
    "name": "HAPPY20",
    "expire": "2021-11-30T23:00:00.000Z",
    "discount": 20,
    "createdAt": "2022-12-31T15:28:44.651Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-31T15:28:44.651Z",
    "__v": 0

Coupon Schema

Attribute Type
name string
discount Number
expire Date


Endpoints for Cart

Cart Routes:

@Route @Type @access @desc
/api/cart/ POST Private/User Add product to cart
/api/cart/ GET Private/User Get logged user cart
/api/cart/:itemId/ DELETE Private/User Remove specific cart item
/api/cart/ DELETE Private/User Clear logged user cart
/api/cart/:itemId/ PUT Private/User Update cart item quantity
/api/cart/applyCoupon PUT Private/User Apply coupon on shopping cart

Add product to cart

You can Add product to cart by sending an object like the following to /cart/

  "productId": "636e6bef6c34aa33724e6cdd",
  "color": "Black"

Get logged user cart

  "status": "success",
  "numOfCartItems": 2,
  "data": {
    "_id": "63b08822a8808232467c2993",
    "cartItems": [
        "product": "636e6bef6c34aa33724e6cdd",
        "quantity": 1,
        "color": "Black",
        "price": 9.99,
        "_id": "63b08822a8808232467c2994"
      // ...
    "user": "63aeed564a116b073bc4d0cf",
    "createdAt": "2022-12-31T19:06:10.762Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-31T19:11:18.797Z",
    "__v": 1

Update specific cart

You can Update specific coupon by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /cart/{id}

  "quantity": 2

Remove specific cart item

You can remove Specific Cart Item by adding the idas a parameter: /api/cart/{id}


Clear logged user cart


Apply Coupon On Shopping Cart

You can Apply Coupon On Shopping Cart by sending an object like the following

  "coupon": "HAPPY24"

Cart Schema

Attribute Type
cartItems arrays
totalCartPrice Number
totalPriceAfterDiscount Number


fakeStoreApi is an online REST API that you can use whenever you need Pseudo-real data for your e-commerce or shopping website without running any server-side code.







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