PLC Programmable Logic Controller Software
Written in Python using Pygame-CE
Using Modbus to interact with the physical world
- 5 Different Node Types
- Digital Input
- Digital Output
- Timer Module (Standard Delay, On/Off Delay, Clock)
- Inverter (Not Gate)
- And Gate
- Infinite Page for dragging nodes onto
- Node menus to modify parameters
- Home and Program screens
- Home locks the page and allows the user to simulate inputs
- Program allows the user to drag any node to anywhere on the page and program the logic
- Outputs can be connected over ModbusTCP to any Modbus RTU to interact with the physical world (Inputs coming soon!)
- Millisecond level accurate timing
- Save and Load files
- Connect to ESP32 IO nodes for physical connections
- More Logic Gates
- Non-boolean values, numbers, compare operations
- Number variables