- Our goal is activating communication between same major's students through our project.
Date Status Goal ~ 10/17 O Project planning, idea discussion, selection of stack to use - All member ~ 10/24 O Extract main scope ~ 10/31 O Collect resources related the project and Write a Usecase Diagram & UI/UX ~ 11/07 O System Design(Architecture Design and Detail Design) & Develop Front-end ~ 11/14 O Database Design(by 2_3_2. E-R Diagram) and Prepare the mid-term presentation ~ 11/23 O Mid-term presentation / Physical Design using SQL Server ~ 11/28 O Develop Back-end / Front-end maintenance / System testing ~ 12/05 O Develop Back-end / Front-end maintenance / System testing ~ 12/12 O View, Indexing, Regularizaiton & Final check and Prepare Final-term presentation ~ 12/19 O Final-term presentation / Finish the project

- Create Database and Tables
- Develop Sign Up, Login
- Develop Board List and Write Board
- Develop Read Board
- Develop Popular Board
- Develop Comments
- Develop Board Like
- Develop Modify Board
- Develop Delete Board
- Develop Academic Schedule
- Testing
- When reading a post, I found an issue where all comments in the bulletin board group were read. Test Case
TC id Precondition Expected Result Pass/Fail Remark 1 Sign up good operation Pass - 2 Login (junior: 3grade) good operation Pass - 3 Enter the junior board good operation Pass - 4 Write a post on the lab introduction board good operation Pass - 5 Click Like Button on what I wrote good operation Pass - 6 Go to the lab introduction board good operation Pass - 7 Write a post on the lab introduction board good operation Pass - 8 Write a comment on what I wrote good operation Fail - 9 Edit a post I wrote in introduction board post good operation Pass - 10 View my page good operation Pass - 11 Log out good operation Pass - 12 Enter the freshman board with non-member status good operation Pass - 13 Try writing a post with non-member status does not work Pass - 14 Try writing a comment with mon-member status does not work Pass - 15 Click ‘Like’ Button good operation with non-member status Pass -
- Error resolution (post comments), Query Refactoring(Popular Board)
- 2023/10/13: We have decided a project subject to develop a community homepage about our major. Because There is little communication although they are same major at our college.
- 2023/10/31: We have wrote usecase diagram after we collect requirements, extracted components and decided categories.
- 2023/11/07: We shared our UI/UX feedback and drew a ER-Diagram. We plan to implement the frontend based on the UI design document.
- 2023/11/19: We developed back-end using express. And We designed database schema again. implement progress: 60% - Read More
- 2023/11/25: We developed back-end section(read board, comments in a board, likes in a board).
- 2023/11/26: We developed back-end section(modify board, delete board). implement progress: 90% - Read More
- 2023/12/05: We finished this project's development.
- 2023/10/29: Develop a prototype page with Node.js
Main | Login | Sign up |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
- 2023/11/07: Database Design(Extract entities, attributes and relationship) and Draw a ER-Diagram with Hyun-Soo Choi / Make Midterm PPT
- 2023/11/12: Manage routers between pages.
- 2023/11/19: Develop Back-End (main, sign up, login)
- 2023/11/23: Develop Back-End (board list, board write, add encryption at sign up)
- When signing up for membership, SHA-512 encryption is applied to the information stored in plain text using the crypto module.
- 2023/11/25: Develop Front-End & Back-End (read board, like and comment in board, popular board in main page, modify board)
- 2023/11/26: Develop delete board
- 2023/11/28: Develop academic schedule
- 2023/12/06: Testing Our Project with black box methods.
- 2023/12/08: Error resolution (post comments), Query Refactoring(Popular Board)
- 2023/10/31: Create a Usecase Diagram
- 2023/11/07: Write database application field and Draw a ER-Diagram using diagrams.net
- 2023/11/12: Develop Front-End & Re-Design ER-Diagram
Main | Sign in | Sign up |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Board | Write | Modify |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
- 2023/11/19: Develop Back-End (in progress: read board, comment)
- 2023/11/21: Develop Front-End(comment in a read page), Develop Back-End (in progress: read board, comment)
- 2023/11/25: Develop Front-End(academic calendar)
- 2023/10/31: Conduct a survey to collect user needs: Survey link
Idx | Question |
1 | 본인이 속한 학과를 선택해주세요. |
2 | 학과 생활에 대한 전반적인 만족도는? |
2-1 | 학과 생활에 대한 불만이 있다면 어떤 점인가? |
2-2 | 학과 생활에 전반적으로 만족한다면 그 이유는? |
- 2023/10/31: Essential features and features to consider: web site link
- 2023/10/31: Coummnity demo: 1 2 3 4 5 6
- UI Design & Back-end Notion Link
- 2023/11/07: Draw UI design
- 2023/11/14: Update UI icon & Back-end status in Notion
- 2023/11/16: Update Back-end Code
- 2023/11/19: Develop Back-End (in progress: read board, comment)
- 2023/11/25: Develop Back-End (finished: read board, comment), modify board
- 2023/11/26: Develop delete board
- Bootstrap v5.3, docs, https://getbootstrap.kr/docs/5.3/getting-started/introduction/
- To be added.
- To be added.