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PnetCDF for Python

PnetCDF-Python is a Python interface to PnetCDF, a high-performance I/O library for accessing NetCDF files in parallel. It can provide MPI-based parallel python programs to achieve a scalable I/O performance.

Software Dependencies

Developer Installation

  • Clone this GitHub repository
  • Required software for developer installation:
  • Commands to install.
    export CC=/path/to/mpicc
    export PNETCDF_DIR=/path/to/pnetcdf/dir
    pip install --no-build-isolation -e .
  • Testing -- Command "make check" tests all the programs available in folders "test/" and "examples/".

Additional Resources

Developer Team


Ongoing development and maintenance of PnetCDF-python is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program, RAPIDS/OASIS Institute.