A Django-based AI-driven web application that detects mood through text and live facial expressions. It features real-time video analysis, a data visualization dashboard, and intelligent task suggestions to enhance productivity and mental well-being.
✅ Text-Based Mood Classification using BERT + Cosine Similarity
✅ Live Facial Emotion Detection with OpenCV (Face, Smile, and Eye Detection)
✅ Real-Time Video Streaming using Django's StreamingHttpResponse
✅ Interactive Data Analysis Dashboard with Plotly.js
✅ Task Suggestions Based on Mood
✅ Django Backend for Data Storage (SQLite)
│── myapp/ # Main Django App
│ ├── migrations/ # Database migrations
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── admin.py # Django admin configuration
│ ├── apps.py # App configuration
│ ├── models.py # Database Models (MoodEntry, etc.)
│ ├── tests.py # Unit Tests
│ ├── urls.py # URL Routing
│ ├── views.py # Main application logic (mood detection, video streaming, etc.)
│── static/ # Static Files (CSS, JS, Images)
│ ├── analysis.css # Styles for the data analysis dashboard
│ ├── detect_face.css # Styles for the face detection UI
│ ├── styles.css # General styles
│── task_optimizer/ # Django Project Settings
│ ├── __pycache__/ # Python cache files
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── asgi.py # ASGI Configuration
│ ├── settings.py # Django Settings
│ ├── urls.py # Root URL Routing
│ ├── wsgi.py # WSGI Configuration
│── templates/ # HTML Templates
│ ├── analyse_data.html # Mood analysis dashboard
│ ├── detect_face.html # Live facial emotion detection page
│ ├── detect_mood.html # Text-based mood classification page
│ ├── home.html # Homepage
│ ├── suggest_task.html # Task suggestions based on mood
│── db.sqlite3 # SQLite Database
│── manage.py # Django Management Script
git clone https://github.com/your-username/task_optimizer.git
cd task_optimizer
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # Mac/Linux
venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Open in your browser.
1️⃣ Navigate to Detect Mood
2️⃣ Enter a short text or answer psychological questions
3️⃣ AI (BERT Model) detects mood based on semantic similarity
4️⃣ The detected mood is stored and analyzed
1️⃣ Navigate to Detect Face
2️⃣ The camera captures facial expressions, eye activity, and brightness
3️⃣ Haar cascades (face
, smile
, eye
) classify moods in real-time
4️⃣ The result is displayed and logged
1️⃣ Navigate to Analyse Data
2️⃣ Line Chart 📈 - Tracks mood changes over time
3️⃣ Bar Chart 📊 - Shows mood distribution
1️⃣ Based on detected mood, relevant tasks are suggested
✅ Backend: Django (Python)
✅ Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
✅ Computer Vision: OpenCV (Face, Smile, Eye Detection)
✅ Machine Learning: BERT + Cosine Similarity (Text Analysis)
✅ Data Visualization: Plotly.js
✅ Database: SQLite
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/your-username/task_optimizer.git
git push -u origin main
git status # Check changes
git add . # Stage all changes
git commit -m "Message" # Commit changes
git pull origin main # Pull latest changes
git push origin main # Push changes
🔹 Sentiment Analysis with LLMs
🔹 More Advanced Facial Expression Recognition
🔹 Custom AI Models for Task Optimization
👤 Param Parekh - Developer
📧 Email: [email protected]
This project is open-source under the MIT License.