Use the Replugged port!!
This repo has been depreciated in favor of the Replugged port:
The fabled Aliucord port may yet still happen as well.
The original is as follows:
This is a powercord plugin that displays a user's profile as a new tab in the user's modal.
It also shows their pronouns next to their name in messages (similar to & compatible with the PronounDB plugin).
- A new tab in the user modal that displays a user's profile (if they have one)
- A new connection that links to the profile on the website
- Displays a user's pronouns in the message header, just like the PronounDB plugin
- Automatically hides PronounDB's pronouns if there are ones to show (optional)
- Shows a cute little badge next to a user's name in chat messages if they have a profile
- Optional tab icon (instead of text) for theme consistency
- On client open/reload, the very first user modal opened will not display the tab. However, this fixes itself as soon as you close & reopen any user modal.
If you are migrating from Powercord and already have the plugin installed, you don't need to reinstall.
Open this link to install the plugin:
Open the Topaz settings and copy+paste Penguin-Spy/powercord-ppl-moe
into the "Add Plugin" box, and then press enter.
I may write a version for Aliucord at some point.
This plugin will never support BetterDiscord/BandagedDiscord or whatever people are calling it this week. (it's the Minecraft Forge of Discord mods)
Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Penguin_Spy
this repository uses modified snippets of code from,, and
This plugin is not mantained, endorsed by or in any way affiliated with or amy!