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PixelWeatherOS firmware for generic ESP32 microcontrollers.


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This is a universal firmware for all PixelWeather nodes. It was created using the esp-idf template.

PixelWeather is a weather station network that collects environment data using "nodes" (a collection of microcontrollers and sensors). This repository contains the firware for said nodes (PWOS).

⚠️ Note that this project is under development. While it is decently stable, is not complete! There are missing and incomplete implementations of features. Production use is highly discouraged!

Hardware requirements:

  • Espressif ESP32 microcontroller
    • Generic ESP32 series with Xtensa CPU.
    • S3 series and RISC-V (C3) series should work too, but haven't been tested.
    • 4MB Flash minimum
    • 512KB SRAM (models with less may be sufficient)
    • PSRAM not required, it's not used (yet)
    • Dual core model recommended, but not required
  • 2x resistors for measuring battery voltage. Exact values are defined in - DIVIDER_R1 and DIVIDER_R2.
  • Battery - any generic 18650 will do
    • Additional protection circuit recommended
  • An environment sensor
    • Temperature reading support (required)
    • Humidity reading support (required)
    • Optional:
      • Air pressure reading support
    • I2C interface

⚠️ Note: OTA support is planned, which will increase the minimum hardware requirements, especially flash size to at least 8MB. Additionally, at least 2MB of PSRAM may be required to temporarily store downloaded firmware upgrades in RAM. You may want to check out the newer S3 series, which usually come with much larger flash sizes.

Software requirements (for building):

Recommended ESP32 boards

As of now, this firmware has been tested with:

Recommended sensor hardware

As of now, this firmware has been tested with:

It's recommended to use hardware from reputable brands such as Adafruit, SparkFun, DFRobot, etc. These are generally more expensive but also higher quality.

Code structure

  • src/ - This is the entry point for the firmware. If you want to explore this project, you should start from here.
  • src/ - The main entry point, it's responsible for initializing core components.
  • src/sysc/ - Contains components of PWOS
  • src/config/ - Contains configuration definitions for the firmware.


All drivers for external hardware are in src/sysc/drivers.

The firmware includes one universal driver that should be compatible with any HTU21-like sensor. It works with:

You could also implement your own driver, however the sensor must support temperature and humidity measuring at minimum. Your driver then must implement the EnvironmentSensor trait.

Using multiple environment sensors is not supported. The firmware will use the first sensor it finds (which is typically the one with the lowest I2C address). This also means that every I2C hardware must use a different address.

Other hardware

The project currently only supports the ESP32. There are no plans to support any other MCU.


Consumption measurements:

Board Sensor Test voltage Running Sleeping Peak Notes
LYLYGO T7 V1.3 MINI 32 ESP32 Adafruit Si7012 4.2V 150mA 400µA >2A 6612C power supply, peaks >2?

Battery life measurements:

Board Sensor Battery model Capacity Environment Sleep time Time
LYLYGO T7 V1.3 MINI 32 ESP32 Adafruit Si7012 Generic 18650 2.2Ah Outdoor (12-37°C) 10m 41d/7h/58m
LYLYGO T7 V1.3 MINI 32 ESP32 Adafruit Si7012 Generic 18650 ~2Ah Indoor (26-32°C) 10m 27d/4h/55m

Note that the battery voltage measurement is currently unreliable.


  1. Follow the toolchain setup in Espressifs Rust Book
  2. Create a custom config using the example.
  3. Use cargo build to compile the firmware.
  4. Use the commands below to build an image or flash the firmware.

If you just want to build the image, use the following command:

cargo espflash save-image -T partitions.csv --frozen --locked --release --chip esp32 -s 4mb --merge image.bin

To directly flash the firmware, use the command below. Remember to change the serial port for your machine.

cargo espflash flash -T partitions.csv --frozen --locked --release --baud 921600 --port /dev/cu.usbserial-XXXXXXXX

To build a debug image (or flash it) remove the --release flag from the above commands.

Build variants

Firmware size (as of commit 2b34673):

  • Release build: 1,131,776/3,145,728 bytes, 35.98%
  • Debug build: 1,209,696/3,145,728 bytes, 38.46%

Debug builds may be slower and contain a lot of debug messages. As such they are ~2% larger.

You will likely need an ESP32 chip with at least 4MB of Flash memory. About ~25% of this memory is reserved for PHY init data and NVS (read more here).


Latest verified stable version: 1.1.5

A version is deemed "stable" if it runs without interruptions/buggy behaviour for at least 1 month.


  • If you're planning to flash the firmware and use it "in production", you should always use release builds. Just pass --release to cargo build and cargo espflash.
  • For troubleshooting, you should use debug builds, as they have more verbose logging.
  • Make sure to use the given partition layout (partitions.csv) by passing --partition-table partitions.csv to cargo espflash. The default partition layout has a way too small app partition.
  • Some lower-quality ESP32 clones and USB cables may require a lower baud rate. Use 115200 if 921600 does not work for you.

WIP Features

  • OTA firmware updates
    • Experiemental support is being worked on in the experimental-ota branch.


You can download prebuilt binaries of Espressif's QEMU fork from here. However as of now, PWOS cannot be emulated. You will get a panic on boot. This is likely due to the emulator not being able to emulate the WiFi hardware.


PixelWeatherOS firmware for generic ESP32 microcontrollers.





