A Java sampler, math, type, and utility library, primarily for use in Polyhedral Development projects.
Seismic is a Java sampler, math, type and utility library, with a wide selection of functions and types. It started out as simply a fork of FastNoiseLite that broke up the monolithic class into separate classes for each sampler, but has since grown to include a much wider selection of samplers and features, including math functions, types, and utilities. Where there is overlap with Java's Math class it is assumed that Seismic's functions are faster, sometimes trading a reasonable amount of accuracy or handling of special floating point values.
Seismic is lightweight and only depends on JetBrains' Annotations and SLF4J. However, it is recommended to use Seismic with a HotSpot based JDK as Seismic hooks into HotSpot's internals for optimal performance.
Seismic contains a wide selection of samplers, math utilities, and types including:
- OpenSimplex2
- OpenSimplex2S
- Simplex
- Perlin
- Value
- Cubically Interpolated Value Noise
- Gabor Noise
- Brownian Motion
- Ping-Pong
- Ridged Fractal
- Gaussian Noise
- White Noise
- Positive White Noise
- Cellular (Voronoi/Worley)
- Domain Warp
- Cubic Spline
- Translate
- Linear Heightmap
- Fractal Gavoro Pseudoerosion
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Max
- Min
- Linear
- Linear Map
- Clamp
- Posterization
- Probability
- Scale
- Normal
- Kernel
Math Functions
- Inverse Square Root
- Fused Multiply Add
- Epsilon Equals
- Round
- Floor
- Ceiling
- Fraction
- Squash
- Integer Power of Ten
- Integer Logarithm Base Two Ceiling
- Integer Logarithm Base Two Floor
- Integer Logarithm Base Ten Ceiling
- Integer Logarithm Base Ten Floor
- Linear
- Bilinear
- Trilinear
- Cubic
- Bicubic
- Tricubic
- Cubic Polynomial
- Quartic Polynomial
- Quintic Polynomial
- Cubic Rational
- Quartic Rational
- Standard Deviation
- Normal Inverse
- Sine
- Cosine
- Tangent
- Secant
- Cosecant
- Cotangent
- Sampler
- Derivative Sampler
- Vector2
- Vector2Int
- Vector3
- Vector3Int
- Rotation
- Distance Function
- Cubic Spline
- Do Privileged
- Get Property
- Is Client VM
- Is HotSpot VM
- Get JVM Vendor
- Get OS Name
- Is Linux
- Is Windows
- Is SunOS
- Is MacOS
- Is FreeBSD
- Get OS Arch
- Get Java Vendor
- Get Has Fast Vector FMA
- Get Has Fast Scalar FMA
- Get Class
- Get Method
- Get Field
- Set Field To Public
- Set Method To Public
- Get Static Field Object
- Get Static Field Char
- Get Static Field Int
- Get Static Field Long
- Get Static Field Float
- Get Static Field Double
- Get Static Field Boolean
- Put Static Field Object
- Put Static Field Char
- Put Static Field Int
- Put Static Field Long
- Put Static Field Float
- Put Static Field Double
- Put Static Field Boolean
- Get Field Object
- Get Field Char
- Get Field Int
- Get Field Long
- Get Field Float
- Get Field Double
- Get Field Boolean
- Put Field Object
- Put Field Char
- Put Field Int
- Put Field Long
- Put Field Float
- Put Field Double
- Put Field Boolean
Seismic is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3.0. It includes code from:
- FastNoiseLite (MIT License)
- Lithium (LGPL 3.0)
- Apache Lucene (Apache License 2.0)
Additionally, it contains trivial and/or CC0 code from various other sources.