Adds Metadata to Music files
- Fixes songs in nested directories recursively.
- Fetches lyrics from Genius
- Fetches metadata from Spotify
- Multiple options to format file name. eg : {artist}{title} results in : Pink Floyd - Time
- Create an account and register an application.
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
- Set Spotify Client ID and Spotify Client Secret in config file
- Create an account and register an application
- Grab Access Token
- Set access token in config file
$ musicrepair --config
Enter Spotify client ID : <enter Spotify client ID>
Enter Spotify client secret : <enter Spotify client secret>
Enter Genius key : <enter genius key>
$ pip install musicrepair
$ git clone
$ cd MusicRepair
$ python install
Windows users, check this out
$ musicrepair
$ musicrepair -h
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --config Add API keys to config
-d, --dir Specifies the directory where the music files are located
-R, --recursive Specifies whether or not to run recursively
in the given music directory
-r, --revert Specifies the directory where music files
that need to be reverted are located
-n, --norename Does not rename files to song title
--format Specify the title format used in renaming,
these keywords will be replaced respectively:
Found an issue? Post it in the issue tracker.
Want to add another awesome feature? Fork this repository and add your feature, then send a pull request.
The core features of this project are based on MusicTools; contribute to it if you'd like.
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Lakshay Kalbhor