coffee -o . -cwb src
Or, with jitter: jitter src . -b
To build the app for upload to PhoneGap Build service, you can use:
sencha app build
Be sure to use Sencha Cmd v5.1.3.61 (not the latest version).
1. Make changes
2. Launch terminal and go to directory's root
3. 'sencha app build' and press enter
4. Go to /app/build/production
5. Compress Purple folder
6. Go to
7. Click on Update code
8. Drag compressed file into upload section
9. Download new app version from QR code
1. Launch Chrome with disabled web security:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome2/
2. Drag index-debug.html file from root directory of app into the URL bar
1. Open phpmyadmin
2. ebdb -> Tables -> users -> Search tab
3. Perform search by email
4. Set is_courier to 1 for user
5. Copy user ID
6. Switch to Tables -> couriers -> Insert tab
7. Paste user ID into ID field
8. Set active: 1, on_duty: 1, zones: 1,2,3,4
1. Go to config.xml
2. Comment out customer app only sections and uncomment courier app only sections
3. Go to
4. Comment out lines 95-108
1. Make changes
2. 'sencha app build' in Terminal
3. Go to
4. Delete app.js and util.js in the purpledelivery bucket
5. Click upload and drag in app/build/production/Purple/app.js and app/build/production/Purple/util.js
6. Start Upload
7. Check Properties -> Permissions for app.js and util.js and grant Everyone permissions to access
8. Make sure the app.json in the Courier App PG build has the right endpoints: {"id":"7544df46-a391-4dd6-a064-0b829a6e1d5a","js":[{"path":"","remote":"true","update":"full","version":"8a1715a1a45b1610d660ed12344772c23fcf7220"},{"path":"GALocalStorage.js","version":"0b406d13e1464ec49688da13ede3b00939cc561a"},{"path":"resources/json/vehicleList.js","version":"aae196b6f6c38d1c9859083db7e26e4d87fbfd27"},{"path":"","remote":"true","update":"full","version":"768717d8c34536350aaea190c41e2bf1a4d9249d"}],"css":[{"path":"resources/css/app.css","update":"delta","version":"6d8e82258aacf301359cac0f3b7db6b6eff904f1"},{"path":"resources/css/screen.css","update":"delta","version":"a9b5c5a0e20f0540d73854244fe74cdb247ecfa6"}]}
9. Close app and restart to see updated changes
1. Run selenium with: `java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar`
2. In new terminal tab, navigate to the `test`
3. Download node.js, if necessary.
4. Run `npm install` to install required packages
5. Run scripts with: `node_modules/.bin/wdio --suite all`
1. Test scripts are located under src/test
2. Scripts compiled using coffeescript: `coffee -o . -cwb src`