A collection of random crackme and programming puzzle solutions created using GHIDRA SRE (Software Reverse Engineering) tool. This series of tutorials is for complete beginners in Assembly language (x86) and software reverse engineering (like me, lol). I created this repository because I wanted to share my solutions and approach, so anyone can learn something from it, and because I need practicing in both C/C++, ASM and Reverse Engineering.
- How to create a project in Ghidra #1: read this short tutorial
- How to create a project in Ghidra #2: or you can just watch this great tutorial
- TLOD's Easy Crackme solution
- RedXen's C File CrackMe solution
- Danofred's KeygenMe - 01 (update) solution
- psyr3n's PIDXploit solution
- Ghidra: https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra/
- Ghidra courses: https://ghidra.re/online-courses/
- Reverse Engineering Tutorials: Playlist
- HackadayU: Reverse Engineering with Ghidra | HackadayU: Playlist
- x64dbg + GHIDRA video tutorial: Video
- x86 Assembly Guide: https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs216/guides/x86.html
- x86 Assembly Wikibooks guide: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly
- About Registers: https://wiki.skullsecurity.org/index.php?title=Registers
- Understanding C by learning assembly: https://www.recurse.com/blog/7-understanding-c-by-learning-assembly
- (RU) Уроки ассемблера: https://ravesli.com/uroki-assemblera/
- (RU) Введение в ассемблер: http://av-assembler.ru/asm/afd/asm.htm
- (RU) Основы реверсинга, начинаем ломать: https://codeby.school/blog/informacionnaya-bezopasnost/osnovy-reversinga-nachinaem-lomat
- (RU) Как распаковать вредоносное ПО с помощью x64dbg: https://habr.com/ru/companies/varonis/articles/573756/
- (RU) Обзор возможностей отладчика x64dbg. Часть 2. Плагины: NFDetector, Scylla, OllyDumpEx. Ручная распаковка UPX и ASPack: https://codeby.school/blog/informacionnaya-bezopasnost/fakultativ-po-x64dbg-chast-1-plaginy-scyllahide-xanalyzer-snowman-pe-viewer-apibreak-
- [Tutorial] How to dump an exe file using x32dbg: https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/general-programming-and-reversing/211590-dump-exe-file-using-x32dbg.html
- Reverse Engineering Encrypted Code Segments: https://ryancor.medium.com/reverse-engineering-encrypted-code-segments-b01aead67701
- Repository of crackmes for training your skills: https://crackmes.one/
- Free Hack Quest - Reverse Engineering puzzles: https://freehackquest.com/quests/reverse