This is a text-based rendition of the famous tv show: "Who Wants to be a Millionaire!". This program will ask you a series of questions an reward you with (imaginary) sums of money. Answer all the questions correctly to win the game.
Created 12/09/15
Clone Project to PC.
- Instructions if needed: Github Docs
Open in code editor or choice (I used IntelliJ, although it wasn't originally created with it)
Run Main Class
Dialog will pop up in box, simply enter Yes or No to start, and then A, B, C, or D to answer each question.
This project was one of my first fully functioning Java programs that I created during one of my first programming courses in college. It was initially created in BlueJ, but I imported the base code into IntelliJ to upload to Github for the world to see! During the process of making this game, I was required to show my understanding of the following programming concepts:
- Object-Oriented Programming.
- Use of different variables such as int and String.
- Importing and utilizing another class.
- If-else statements.
- Either a "while" or "for" loop.
- Javadoc comments of various types.