Check out the introduction session !
In the first session of ml workshop we build a sentiment analyser using Naive bayes algorithm.
Here is a brief intro to naive bayes classifier.
Check out
to know how our classifier recognised positive and negative sentences !
Check out the sklearn naive bayes documentation. We used Gaussian Naive bayes algorithm for our sentiment analyser.
Reimplement sentiment analyser using other naive bayes alogrithms in sklearn. (i.e Bernoulli Naive Bayes and Multinomial Naive Bayes)
This repository contains codes,resources and tasks for the machine learning workshop conducted in RIT as part of tinkerhub-RIT.
git clone
Machine Learning is making sense of "DATA"!
Check out these blog posts toget a better intuition on machine learning
There are ipynb notebooks with code and explanation.
Open the .ipynb file notebook in desktop browser in github.
Or install jupyter notebook.
pip install jupyter notebook
open terminal, go to the directory of cloned repository
then enter the command
jupyter notebook
This window will pop up
Open the .ipynb file to view it.
Run the python codes using