This project contains the Agda and Haskell code mentioned in the paper: Formal Safety
Conditions for Provably Accurate State Classification by Probabilistic Flight Models. The
Agda code contains the formalization of safety envelopes. The formal proofs mentioned in
the paper can be found in the file agda/Avionics/SafetyEnvelopes/Properties.agda
To compile the code you need stack.
To typecheck and compile the Agda code into Haskell code run the following in the command line:
rm -r src/MAlonzo
cd agda
stack exec -- agda -c --ghc-dont-call-ghc --no-main --compile-dir=../src Avionics/SafetyEnvelopes/ExtInterface.agda
cd ..
If the previous lines run without errors it means that the Agda code typedchecked.
A new folder should have appeared src/Alonzo
. It contains the code generated from Agda.
The generated code needs to be compiled to be run:
stack build
stack exec -- sentinels-exe single
Once the sentinel is running it will read from stdin a list of floating point numbers and it determine if the value is z-predictable, i.e., falls within certain confidence region where the models make sense.
- Copy file to generate LaTex from
. Rename.agda
file into.agda.old
to evade name collisions. - Surround code with
\begin{code} \end{code}
cd agda
stack exec -- agda --latex Avionics/MyFileToGenerateLaTeX.lagda
cd ..
- Delete
file and restore.agda
file from.agda.old
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