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File Format SLAM 2D

Rainer Kümmerle edited this page Mar 27, 2016 · 1 revision

This page summarizes the file format for the 2D SLAM vertices and edges.


The vertex information represents the current state of the parameters.

2D Robot Pose

VERTEX_SE2 i x y theta

Specifies a 2D robot pose x_i = (x, y, theta)^T where (x,y) represents the translation and theta the rotation.

2D Landmarks / Features


Specifies a 2D landmark which is located at p_i = (x, y)^T.


The edges encode the measurements obtained by the robot.

Odometry or Loop Closures

The odometry of a robot connects subsequent vertices with a relative transformation which specifies how the robot moved according to its measurements. Additionally, non sequential poses can be related to each other by matching their observations.

EDGE_SE2 i j x y theta info(x, y, theta)

Where z_ij = (x, y, theta)^T is the measurement moving from x_i to x_j, i.e. x_j = x_i \oplus z_ij

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