Just my vimrc, bunch of addons I find useful, and some themes I like to rotate between. I mostly use it with Vim (not Neovim) in Kitty or GVim, with Hack Nerd Font Mono, or Gohu Nerd Font Mono, on Linux, so there's a bias towards those combos.
Clone the repo to:
on Linux, *BSD, macOS~/config/settings/vim/
on HaikuOS$HOME\vimfiles
on Windows (usuallyC:\Users\[username]\vimfiles
I use vim-plug to manage plugins, so to install all extensions, install Plug then simply run
Additional Language Support Plugins
- Polyglot - Ash durbatulûk, ash gimbatul, ash thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
- Hy - it's like Python but lispy!
- Org Mode
- vim-pandoc and vim-pandoc-syntax
Other Plugins
- Airline and Airline Themes - fancy statusline
- Auto Pairs - steroids for bracket pairs
- Better Whitespace - Whitespace trimming and highlighting
- EditorConfig
- eunuch - integration with UNIXy tools
- DevIcons - add nerdfont icons to NERDTree, Airline and other plugins
- Fugitive - fancy git integration
- Hexmode - convenience wrapper around
- Indent Line - indentation hints
- NERDCommenter - steroids for comments
- NERDTree - great tree file view
- Pencil - to make Vim nicer to use for writing prose
- Signify - adds indicators for changes since the last git commit, also has a great diff thingy
- SLIMV - for Lispy Development
- also includes Paredit for editing S-expressions, use this one instead if you don't care about the fancy repl integrations and only need the structured editing tools
- Supertab - nice on-demand tab-completion, especially nice with C and Python
- Surround
- Startify - fancy Vim start page, also has some sesison saving na dloading
- Tabular - for aligning stuffs
- Terminus - some goodies to improve The Vim Experience(TM) in a terminal
- Thematic - Fancier theme management