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Configuring Data Sources v1

John Hoffer edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 1 revision

When you want to request data from a certain stack, provide the path to the data as the datapath query (see Requesting Data). The server is able to index the source automatically, or using custom options that are manually provided.

MOJO File system

This is currently the best supported format, and is completely automated. Simply make sure that the data set is within a folder named mojo/, and include this folder in the datapath when requesting.

Custom image stacks

Butterfly supports file structures with custom indexes, folder, and image names by providing the option to specify these parameters. Currently, it assumes that separate slices are in separate folders.

If you would like to use the server with such an image stack, create a FILENAME.args text file with the .args extension (any filename is fine) in the folder of the datapath. An example with all the necessary parameters:

--filename y=%(y)08d,x=%(x)08d.tif
--folderpaths z=%(z)08d
--x_ind 0 1
--y_ind 0 1
--z_ind 0-74
  • --filename - Replace the x and y coordinates in the filename with %(x)0?d and %(y)0?d where ? is the number of digits. For example, the above filename came from y=00000000,x=00000000.tif. If your file names also include the slice number, you should also place a %(z)0?d in the name.
  • folderpaths - The same convention as above, except for the names of the slice folders that the images are in.
  • x_ind, y_ind, and z_ind - Specify the number of tiles in each direction, and the total number of slices (z_ind). You may write ranges such as 0-74, or space out single numbers 0 1 3 5 or a mix of the two. Backwards range and index numbers are also supported if the numbering is from high to low in your stack.

Version 2

Version 1

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