Cocktail robotics is a fascinating hobby and obsession. Roboexotica was the first, 'and , inevitably, the leading festival concerned with cocktail robotics world-wide.'
But you don't have to go to Vienna to make cocktail robots!
Cocktail robotics has traditionally had a fairly steep learning cliff. There are so many different skills which one can excercise in order to create an entertaining robot!
The Hello Drinkbot project seeks to create a 'hello world' of drinkbots to lower the learning cliff so that more people can have fun creating entertaining ways to get their friends drunk.
The goal is that a person can use the plans here to assemble a functional drink dispensing robot in an hour or two. You can then build on that 'hello world' drinkbot in different ways...
Note: not all cocktail robots make drinks, and there are many paths to cocktail robotics greatness! The premise of Hello Drinkbot is that having a simple way to make cocktails will bring more people in to apply their skills and talents and genius to the goal of entertaining us all.
And...cocktail robotics has a history of triggering interesting innovations in unexpected dig in! Make a robot. It is fun. And perhaps, a little messy!