c++ environment tester first, CPU stresser second, and a few million reasons not to play the powerball.
Recently built with boost-1.72.0 on OSX and boost-1.65.1 on ubuntu-18.04
WARNING: Read the license, there's no warrenty and this thing will use some juice.
Requires libboost-dev >=1.48.0 for includes and libboost >=1.48.0 libs for shared objects
brew install boost
ubuntu >= 18.04:
apt-get install libboost-all-dev
yum install boost boost-devel
git clone https://github.com/RileyR387/pbmc-cpp.git
cd pbmc-cpp
make && ./bin/pbmc --help
git clone https://github.com/RileyR387/pbmc-cpp.git
cd pbmc-cpp
docker build . -t pbmc:latest
docker run -it pbmc:latest sh
./bin/pbmc --help
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce this message
-l [ --lines ] arg Lines to play
-n [ --nCount ] arg Number of regular balls
-p [ --pCount ] arg Number of power balls
--nMax arg Max value of the regular ball(s)
--pMax arg Max value of the power ball(s)
-t [ --threads ] arg Number of threads to create
-g [ --generator ] Use a unique generator for each thread. (Faster, no
generator mutex lock wait), potentially less random
-r [ --reseed ] NOTE: Requires -g ; Reseed Every 1 million drawings per
thread, each thread is idealy offset by 3.14 seconds;
potentially less random even more