The workshop taught the basics of Time Series Forecasting and a few advanced topics form Supply Chain Optimization and Computer Vision.
Learned the basics of Time Series Forecasting, including a few basic models. Also used the models on Store Sales data.
Learned about different Probabilistic models such as Simulated Annealing, which was used in finding optimal routes(modified version of Travelling Salesman Problem).
Problem: Let’s say we have a depot/hub of an eCommerce organisation (like Walmart) and packages (customer orders) must be delivered from the depot/hub to customer locations. Let's say we have a limit on number of orders a vehicle can deliver (Vehicle Capacity) . In that case we need to use multiple vehicles to deliver all the orders.
Also learned about 3D Bin Packing Problem.
Learned about transformers and how they are being used in object detection.
Round 1 consisted of 2 problems, the first was a standard Travelling Salesman Problem and the second was the same as the problem taught in Supply Chain Optimization workshop.
Round 2 details can be found here, We were tasked with trying out different models for Predicting Hard Drive Failures.