OpenIddict implementation using the ASP.NET Identity schema from the AdminUI product from Rock Solid Knowledge.
This package uses the AdminUI ASP.NET Identity schema found on NuGet:
Install-Package IdentityExpress.Identity
For AdminUI documentation, visit
To create the database you have to create and run migrations. You can do this from a command-line shell:
This is the most basic migration to be able to run OpenIddict and AdminUI:
- Create migration:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -c ApplicationDbContext
- Run migration in database:
dotnet ef database update -c ApplicationDbContext
You only have to run these migrations if you want to use SAML applications:
- Create migrations:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -c OpenIddictSamlMessageDbContext
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -c SamlConfigurationDbContext
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -c SamlArtifactDbContext
- Run migrations in database:
dotnet ef database update -c OpenIddictSamlMessageDbContext
dotnet ef database update -c SamlConfigurationDbContext
dotnet ef database update -c SamlArtifactDbContext
Remember to add a SAML license in appsettings.json if you want to use the SAML component.