Keyboard without modes.
The layout with enlarged buttons allows for more accurate and faster typing.
Use swipes to input capital letters and additional symbols, diacritical marks, as well as combine letters into ligatures.
Russian language can be typed using Russian Latin alphabet and converted by entering the language code at the end of the paragraph.
The built-in calculator enables calculations in any text field.
In the Shift mode, which converts buttons to uppercase, simply touch the button and swipe upwards:
- a↑ — will give A
- b↑ — will give B
Instead of the 123 key, which switches the buttons to another mode, simply swipe downwards to obtain numbers or additional characters: (in the case of QWERTY)
- t↓ — will give 5
- u↓ — will give %
If there are more than one symbol shown below, to access the second one, you need to do the following:
- d↓ — will give × — first symbol
- d↓→ — will give ⋅ — second symbol
- d↓→↓ — will give ∗ — third symbol
Instead of switching to a layout, for example, for the German language, which also converts buttons to a new mode, you need to do the following:
(Type 'a', then touch 'e' and swipe diagonally upwards-left)
- ae↖︎ — will give ä
- oe↖︎ — will give ö
- ue↖︎ — will give ü
This will work with any other letters as well.
- ye↖︎ — will give ÿ and so on.
To type 'ß', do the following:
- ss← — will give ß
For umlauts, use 'v' instead of 'e':
- s↖︎ — will give š
For cedillas, use 's':
- cs↙︎ — will give ç
For acute accents, use 'a':
- oa↖︎ — will give ó
For grave accents, use 'g':
- ug↖︎ — will give ù
For breves, use 'u':
- au↖︎ — will give ă
For ligatures, do the following:
- ae← — will give æ
For MFA symbols, do the following:
- sh← — will give ʃ
- zh← — will give ʒ
- gh← — will give ɣ
To choose alternative forms of letters, rotations, or reflections, use the sequence of swipes →↓←
- w→ — will give ʍ
- v→ — will give ʌ
- m→ — will give ɯ
- k→ — will give ʞ
- a→ — will give ə
- a→↓ — will give ɐ
- and so on.
For typing in Cyrillic, instead of switching keyboard layouts, we write a paragraph of text, and at the end, we add the language code followed by a space. Then, you can press the blue autocomplete button:
- Длинный абзац текста. ru — will give Длинный абзац текста.
Instead of switching to the system keyboard layout, emojis work through emoji search and other Unicode characters.
Through the search, you can also type flags and currency symbols using country codes:
- ru — will give 🇷🇺, ₽
- ua — will give 🇺🇦, ₴
Oh, and there's a calculator available everywhere:
- 2+2×2 — will immediately replace this expression with the result 6
- 2+2×2= — will add the result after the equal sign without replacing the expression.