The OpenHistorian ( universal adapter to acquire data from any remote data source server over .NET Remoting.
The typical application is OPC DA ( Using with OPC DA remote server, this adapter helps to resolve access rights conflict and 32/64bit incompatibility.
Disclaimer: This code is provided as is, without any warranty or obligation. It requires you to have knowledge of C# programming, openHistorian and other products/libraries/technologies in use. It has to be compiled. This code is created with help of OpenHistorian-OPC-UA-Adapter-master (
- Compile source code - refer to GSF dlls provided by the installed OpenHistorian. The target platform should match openHistorian's platform - .Net Framework 4.8 64bit for openHistorian 2.8.157.
- Create a folder within OpenHistorian folder called DataRemoting
- Copy all files from bin directory into DataRemoting folder
- Open the historian database using whichever SQL server you have chosen
- Add new entry to Protocol table
- Acronym: DataRemoting
- Name: Data Remoting Adapted
- Type: Measurement
- Category: Device
- AssemblyName: DataRemoting\OpenHistorianOPCDAAdapter.dll
- TypeName: nsOpenHistorianRemoteDataAdapter.RemoteDataAdapter
- In OpenHistorian (you may need to restart it), create a new device
- Protocol: select DataRemoting Adapter from the list
- Connection String: "remotehost=THEHOST;port=XXXXX;renewaltime=YY"
- Make sure to fill Historian field and other compulsory fields
- Check Enabled
- Save
- Add a new measurement
- Point Tag: meaningful name
- Signal Reference: the correct name for the remote data server
- Device: Select device you have created in Step 6
- Measurement Type: Analog (if the tag is a real)
- Fill in Description and Historian
- Check Enabled
- Save
- Restart OpenHistorian service.
- Examine the log file to see if there are any errors.