I am utilizing a data set containing the latest covid-19 statistics, including the number of cases per million in specific countries on specific days. This data set is extensive, with over 240,000 rows and numerous columns representing various categories. However, I had to reduce the number of columns in the csv file for the purpose of this assignment and only retained 7 categories. My program organizes information based on the country and date, which simplifies things even further. By organizing the data based on the country and date, my program is able to display a specific piece of information with no overlap. Some countries might have a lot of covid-19 cases, but their actual situation might be a lot better than it seems if their population is high. The total number of cases per million people in a country more accurately represents how much of the population is actually getting covid-19.
I selected this data set for my cpt because I am interested in the covid-19 statistics of Canada. I am particularly interested in learning about the current virus variant and its severity compared to previous versions. This information will help me make informed decisions when taking precautions to protect myself.
Demo Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jWUszCg4jnnDkW9ZsT7YjEGoIj6EBtyl/view?usp=sharing
Course Connections Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5sKGxXYLGUOQh4OtMJk0h9_aYsRKQne/view?usp=sharing