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Mateusz Łoskot edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 2 revisions

If you have an application or library that's using SOCI, we would love to hear about it.

Feel free to add a new item to the list below with name of the software, name of the company (where applicable), URL to the project website, and if you wish, a short note on what it does or how it uses SOCI.

Who uses SOCI?

  • Ceemple IDE - an innovative solution enabling rapid C++ based technical computing. It features the productivity of MATLAB and Python, combined with the performance and integration of standard C++.
  • Boost.Geometry - examples on storing geometry data in PostgreSQL+PostGIS database.
  • CERN - "CERN is also a user of the SOCI library, which serves as a database access layer in some of the control system components." - Maciej Sobczak (original authors of SOCI) at [Inspirel] (
  • Gearbox - framework for building scalable asynchronous REST services, by Cory Bennett at Yahoo!
  • LISA - is an interesting C++ example of a service provider based on asynchronous IO (Boost.Asio) and HTTP protocol, uses SOCI to access MySQL as persistence backend of a service priority-queue.
  • OpenTrep - C++ API for accessing travel-focused data developed at Amadeus labs.
  • PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library translating and manipulating point cloud data formats.
  • SAGA-C++ - C++ core implementation of the Simple API for Grid Applications by SAGA Project uses SOCI in several components to access MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3.
  • SatGate - SOCI "is used as a part of a system, that controls satellite transmission site" - Denis Chapligin.
  • StdAir - C++ toolkit for modeling airline IT business objects developed at Amadeus labs.
  • TraDemGen - C++ Simulated Travel Demand Generation Library developed at Amadeus labs.
  • YB.ORM - Object-relational mapper tool for C++ developed at Moscow State Open University.
  • WebAppTools - system for vulnerability analysis of web-applications and web-servers developed at Positive Technologies Research Lab. uses SOCI to access SQLite3 store.

Related projects

List of interesting projects which are related to SOCI in any way:

  • sqlitepp with binding variables to SQL queries inspired by SOCI
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