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Go SDK for Safeheron API

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API Documentation


safeheron-api-sdk-go is compatible with modern Go releases in module mode, with Go installed:

go get

will resolve and add the package to the current development module, along with its dependencies.

Alternatively the same can be achieved if you use import in a package:

import ""

and run go get without parameters.


import ""

Take /v1/account/create as an example to explain, the complete code can be found in demo/api_demo directory

  • Construct safeheron.ApiConfig
    // You can get `ApiKey` and `SafeheronRsaPublicKey` from Safeheron Web Console:
    sc := safeheron.Client{Config: safeheron.ApiConfig{
            BaseUrl:               "",
            ApiKey:                "d1ad6*****a572e7",
            RsaPrivateKey:         "pems/my_private.pem",
            SafeheronRsaPublicKey: "pems/safeheron_public.pem",
            RequestTimeout: 20000
  • Call CreateAccount api with sc
    accountApi := api.AccountApi{Client: sc}
    req := api.CreateAccountRequest{
    	AccountName: "first-wallet-account",
    	HiddenOnUI:  true,
    var res api.CreateAccountResponse
    err := accountApi.CreateAccount(req, &res)
    if err != nil {
        // Your code to process err
    // Your code to process response


Test Create Wallet Account

  • Before run the test code, modify demo/api_demo/account/config.yaml.example according to the comments
    # Your API key, you can get it from Safeheron Web Console:
    apiKey: 080db****6e60
    # path to your private key file, pem encoded
    privateKeyPemFile: /path/to/your/privatekey.pem
    # path to Safeheron API public key file, pem encoded, you can get it from Safeheron Web Console:
    # You can convert the Safeheron API Public Key obtained from Safeheron Web Console to PEM format with openssl: 
    # echo MIICIjANBgkqhk*****UbNkcCAwEAAQ== | base64 -d | openssl rsa -pubin -inform DER -outform PEM -out /path/to/safeheron/api/publickey.pem
    safeheronPublicKeyPemFile: /path/to/safeheron/api/publickey.pem
    # Safeheron API base url
    # RequestTimeout (Millisecond), Default: 20000
    requestTimeout: 20000
  • Run the test
    $ cd demo/api_demo/account
    $ cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
    $ go test -run TestCreateAccountAndAddCoin

Test Send A Transaction

  • Before run the test code, modify demo/api_demo/transaction/config.yaml.example according to the comments
    # Your API key, you can get it from Safeheron Web Console:
    apiKey: 080db****6e60
    # path to your private key file, pem encoded
    privateKeyPemFile: /path/to/your/privatekey.pem
    # path to Safeheron API public key file, pem encoded, you can get it from Safeheron Web Console:
    # You can convert the Safeheron API Public Key obtained from Safeheron Web Console to PEM format with openssl: 
    # echo MIICIjANBgkqhk*****UbNkcCAwEAAQ== | base64 -d | openssl rsa -pubin -inform DER -outform PEM -out /path/to/safeheron/api/publickey.pem
    safeheronPublicKeyPemFile: /path/to/safeheron/api/publickey.pem
    # Safeheron API base url
    # RequestTimeout (Millisecond), Default: 20000
    requestTimeout: 20000
    # Wallet Account key
    accountKey: account****5ecad40
    # To address
    destinationAddress: 0x9437A****0BF95f5
  • Run the test
    $ cd demo/api_demo/transaction
    $ cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
    $ go test -run TestSendTransaction

Test MPC Sign

  • Before run the test code, modify demo/mpc_demo/config.yaml.example according to the comments

    # Your API key, you can get it from Safeheron Web Console:
    apiKey: 080db****6e60
    # path to your private key file, pem encoded
    privateKeyPemFile: /path/to/your/privatekey.pem
    # path to Safeheron API public key file, pem encoded, you can get it from Safeheron Web Console:
    # You can convert the Safeheron API Public Key obtained from Safeheron Web Console to PEM format with openssl: 
    # echo MIICIjANBgkqhk*****UbNkcCAwEAAQ== | base64 -d | openssl rsa -pubin -inform DER -outform PEM -out /path/to/safeheron/api/publickey.pem
    safeheronPublicKeyPemFile: /path/to/safeheron/api/publickey.pem
    # Safeheron API base url
    # RequestTimeout (Millisecond), Default: 20000
    requestTimeout: 20000
    # Wallet Account key
    accountKey: account****5ecad40
    # Goerli testnet token address in wallet account
    accountTokenAddress: 0x970****4ffD59
    # erc20 token contract address
    erc20ContractAddress: 0x078****Eaa37F
    # address to receive token
    toAddress: 0x53B****321789
    # Ethereum RPC API
  • Run the test

    $ cd demo/mpc_demo
    $ cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
    $ go test -run TestMpcSgin