Updated version of the tutorial from Have Blue to be used on a RPi3, with stratasys 250mc, and with the new library Stratatools Only the main differences from the tutorial are listed here.
Change the modes of pin where it connect to chip
gpio mode 7 out
gpio write 7 1
sudo raspi-config
Interfacing Options->1-Wire->Enable
sudo modprobe w1-gpio gpiopin=4
sudo modprobe w1-ds2433
cd /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1
check for folder started with "23-00"
cd 23-0000022ebe12
xxd -p id
output of eeprom id in my case is:
With Stratatools installed
Create a cartridge.txt as showed in Stratatools git.
stratatools eeprom_encode -t prodigy -e 2312be2e0200005a cartridge.txt cartridge.bin
sudo cp cartridge.bin /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_busmaster1/23-0000022ebe12/eeprom