Ph1sh Gr1P is python based tool developed to analyze the emails files easily which help the investigator in Email Forensics.
As human we can't detect all the posibilites in our invesgitaions but Ph1sh Gr1P will be the assistant for you in Email Forensics giving you every single information from a email which will eventually faster your investigation.
- Get Header Deatils
- Analyse the Attachment Files
- Shows details of Macros in Microsoft Office attachments
- Shows Urls & IP in the Email and Attachments
- Get content and HTML of email
- Can check the urls by taking screenshots
- git clone
- Install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Setup Your SECRET_KEY in .env
- Setup the Firefox Geckodriver Setup This Using The Blog
- python3
- Only works on Python3.7+
- Currently only working with the FireFox Geckodriver[ version : 0.29 ]
oledump : Used to find Macros in stream DidierStevens