This sample demonstrates how to use the MiniScaffold template to create an F# console application for dotnet core.
Install the MiniScaffold template by running this CLI command:
dotnet new -i "MiniScaffold::*"
Create a new project by running this CLI command:
dotnet new mini-scaffold -lang f# -n mini-scaffold-sample --githubUsername ScottHutchinson
Add this line above the TargetFrameworks element in the .fsproj file:
Rename the file Library.fs as Program.fs (not strictly necessary).
Change the namespace to a module instead.
Add this function:
[<EntryPoint>] let main argv = printfn "Hello World from Mini Scaffold!" 0 // return an integer exit code
Change the target framework from multiple targets to a single target:
Add this line to the top of the paket.dependencies file to specify a particular version of paket:
version 5.148.0