Casper Wise is an innovative and highly secure DeFi ecosystem.
This is the official WISE graphQL code for the Casper network.
npm install to install the require packages npm start to start the server
AWS Link:
Endpoints Documentation Link:
Smart Contract Documentation Link:
- Change NODE_MODE to developement (For not mixing the real database)
- npm install to install the require packages,
- npm start to start the server
- open another terminal and node test.js to run the test cases
Paste this command on the ubuntu terminal, that will create a keys folder for you containing public key , public key hex and secret key.
casper-client keygen keys
Paste the keys folder created by the above command to Scripts/LIQUIDITYTRANSFORMER and Scripts/WISETOKEN folders.
We can fund the keys from casper live website faucet page on testnet.
Use the script file in package.json to perform the deployments
"scripts": {
"deploy:liquidityTransformer": "ts-node Scripts/LIQUIDITYTRANSFORMER/deploy/liquidityTransformerContract.ts",
"deploy:liquidityTransformerFunctions": "ts-node Scripts/LIQUIDITYTRANSFORMER/deploy/liquidityTransformerContractFunction.ts",
"deploy:wiseToken": "ts-node Scripts/WISETOKEN/deploy/wiseContract.ts",
"deploy:wiseTokenFunctions": "ts-node Scripts/WISETOKEN/deploy/wiseContractFunction.ts"
Use the following commands to perform deployments
npm run deploy:liquidityTransformer
npm run deploy:liquidityTransformerFunctions
npm run deploy:wiseToken
npm run deploy:wiseTokenFunctions