SimpleFolderIcon enables you to customize the color and the icon label of your folders in the Unity project browser.
- Animations
- Audio
- Editor
- Editor Default Resources
- Fonts
- Gizmos
- Materials
- Models
- Plugins
- Prefabs
- Presets
- Resources
- Scenes
- Scripts
- Settings
- Shaders
- Sprites
- StreamingAssets
- Textures
is the sample icon file.
Set your own icons by adding the PNG format images in Assets/SimpleFolderIcon/Icons/
The preferred size of the image is 256x256.
File names of the icon images in Assets/SimpleFolderIcon/Icons/
are associated with the names of the folder that will be customize.
Optional: if you want to use one image for multiple folders, you may copy Assets/SimpleFolderIcon/Icons/Default/FolderIconSO.asset
into Assets/SimpleFolderIcon/Icons/
, then in the Inspector: assign an icon & add as many folder names to the list as you want.
Just simply customize the icons by renaming or deleting the sample image files!
Unity2019.4 or later
- Window > Package Manager > Add package from git URL...
openupm add com.seaeees.simple-folder-icon
- Download the package from Releases.
- MIT license
- Some of the icons are from Material design icons.