An College project for MultiQueryConverter.
At the current stage,it only supports MongoDB-to-MySQL and vice-versa.However since it has not been implemented yet,so the result will be only the query you have entered.
1.WebServer like Tomcat/Weblogic/Glassfish.
2.JDK (no brain required for this.).
3. MySql v5.5 or above.
4.A Web Broser.
BACK-END: JSP, Tomcat v8.5, JDK v1.8.0_121.
1. Install JDK 1.8 or above.
2. Install Tomcat Server v8.3 or above.
3. Install MySql v5.5 or above.
4. Copy the directory “DIT” to the “webapp” directory of Tomcat Server.The default location is C:\Program Files\Tomcat\webapps\.Make sure there is no other directory with the name “DIT”.
5. Open a web browser.
6. In the address bar, type: localhost:port-no/DIT
Default port no: 8080
Username: temp.
Password: temp.
Here Link is not working currently since the account was trail period only.
New link will be updated soon. databasses
2.drop database_Name;
3.use database_Name;
4.create databases database_Name; tables;
6.drop table_Name; * from table_Name; * from table_Name where col1>2 and col<3; (only >, <, =, >=, <= conditions are supported.) col1,col2,col3 from table_Name;
10.Combination of 8 & 9.
1. Earlier when the Homepage would be refreshed,every time the query was send to process and new 'RecentFile'
were created.This could have caused in creation of high number of 'Recentfile' with same query.This is fixed now.
1. Earlier when user has logged out,even then with back button on web browser,anyone can uses the application
without login.This issue has been solved