This is a Roblox roact component that creates a radial menu
As you probably know Roblox doesn't easily allow for circles or other shapes in their GUI, so this radial menu is created by using a combination of CanvasGroup, UICorners, Triangle images within ImageLabels to create the appearance of a circle.
Currently the radial menu accepts a table of option elements which can include a Label, Icon and Color.
Example of how the radial menu looks:
You need roact installed
Install this package through wally or copy the source from src/init.lua to your Roblox project
Look at the Example/openradial.client.lua to see how to use the Radial component
Available Props:
options = {
label = "Roblox",
icon = 10885644041,
color =,0,0),
label = "Sound",
icon = 6824925193,
color =, 1, 0),
label = "Cart",
icon = 11385395241,
color =, 1, 0),
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.7,0.7),
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
label = { -- Set this to label = false if you don't want labels
font = "Oswald",
color =,0,0),
transparency = 0
holeSize = 0.5, -- This is the size of the hole in the middle of the radial. If you want no hole set to 0 or a big hole would would something like 0.9 (but you probably don't want bigger than 0.5)
subSectionCount = 20, -- Each radial section is made up of smaller sections to give a smooth curve appearance. Decreasing this will improve performance but look less smooth
click = function(selected)
print("The user has clicked on option: "..selected)