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Servo motor interfacing

Interfacing servos with arduino to do different stuff.

Obstacle avoiding robot

Robot that avoids obstacles using an ultrasonic sensor. It avoids everything that it detects within 30 cm. The components used over here are two DC motors, a L293D motor driver, Arduino UNO, 4 AA battery to provide power to the motor driver and an ultrasonic sensor.

Servos for locomotion

This was the first project where I started using servo for the first time. This is more or less same as the obstacle avoiding robot except that the servo motors were used instead of the wheels.

Joystick module interfacing

A joystick module which is used to control a crane where one servo is attached to the base of the crane to move it left and right and another servo at the top to move the upper part of the crane up and down. A simple project that I did to get an idea about joystick interfacing and I used arduino nano for this one.


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