This project analyzes data from a pharmaceutical study conducted by Pymaceuticals, Inc., which specializes in anti-cancer treatments. The study evaluates the effectiveness of multiple drug regimens in treating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in mice.
→ Contains individual-level data (e.g., Mouse ID, Drug Regime, and Sex). -
→ Contains population-level data (e.g., Timepoint, Tumor Volume (mm3), and Metastic Sites).
→ Contains code executed for data processing, analysis, and visualization.
|── Pymaceuticals/
| |── data/
| | |── Mouse_metadata.csv
| | |── Study_results.csv
| |── Matplotlib_challenge.ipynb
|── .gitignore
Clean and preprocess the dataset.
Perform exploratory data analysis and statistical summary.
Visualize tumor volume distribution across different drug regimens.
Identify outliers in the tumor volume dataset.
Investigate the correlation between mouse weight and tumor volume.
Perform a linear regression analysis to assess the relationship between mouse weight and tumor volume in the Capomulin regimen.
Key Variables:
Mouse ID: Unique identifier for each mouse.
Timepoint: Days since the start of treatment.
Tumor Volume (mm3): Tumor size at each timepoint.
Drug Regimen: Treatment administered to the mouse.
Weight (g): Mouse weight in grams.
Merged the
into a single DataFrame. -
Checked for duplicate timepoints and removed duplicated mouse data (Mouse ID: g989).
Ensured consistency in the cleaned dataset before performing analysis.
Summary Statistics:
Calculated mean, median, variance, standard deviation, and SEM for tumor volume per drug regimen.
Displayed results in a summary statistics table.
Data Visualizations:
Bar Charts showed the number of observations for each drug regimen.
Pie Charts displayed the gender distribution of mice in the study.
Box Plot of Tumor Volume compared the distribution of final tumor volumes across the four most promising drug regimens:
Identified potential outliers in Infubinol and Ceftamin.
Line Plot: Tracked tumor volume changes over time for a single mouse (Mouse ID: l509) treated with Capomulin.
Scatter Plot: Examined the relationship between mouse weight and tumor volume in the Capomulin regimen.
Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r-value) → 0.84 (strong positive correlation between mouse weight and tumor volume).
Linear Regression Model:
Tumor Volume = (slope × Mouse Weight) + intercept
Plotted a regression line on the scatter plot to visualize the trend.
P-value: Displayed to assess statistical significance.
✅ Capomulin & Ramicane were the most effective treatments, showing the smallest final tumor volumes.
✅ Infubinol & Ceftamin showed higher tumor volumes and had potential outliers, indicating lower effectiveness.
✅ Mouse weight was strongly correlated with tumor volume (r = 0.84).
✅ Linear regression confirmed a significant relationship between mouse weight and tumor volume.
Further research should focus on Capomulin and Ramicane as potential treatments for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
- Python 3+
- Jupyter Notebook
- Pandas (Data manipulations & analysis)
- Matplotlib (Data visualization)
- Scipy (Statistical analysis)
Ensure you have a Python version that is up to date and install the following in GitBash:
pip install pandas matplotlib scipy
1.) Clone this repository or download the files to your local machine.
2.) Ensure your Python installed (Recommended: Python 3.8+)
3.) Ensure the required libraries are installed in your operating environment.
4.) Launch Jupyter Notebook and run the file cells sequentially (Kernel
→ Run
Python Official Documentation:
Pandas Library:
Matplotlib Library:
SciPy Library: