Templating on the rocks.
use bourbon::prelude::*;
#[template(text = "Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old.")]
struct TestTemplate {
name: String,
age: i32,
fn test_render() {
let values = TestTemplate::new(("Alice".to_string(), 30));
assert_eq!(values.render().unwrap(), "Hello, Alice! You are 30 years old.");
There are no built-in template functions in bourbon, if you want to call functions in your template then add it within the funcs scope.
mod funcs {
pub fn lower<E>(s: String) -> Result<String, E> {
#[template(text = "{lower(name)}")]
struct TestTemplate {
name: String,
Unlike other template solutions that utilize an "include" or "import" keyword, bourbon facilitates the embedding of sub-templates through the composition of other template structs.
#[template(text = "{name}")]
struct TemplateBlock {
name: String,
#[template(text = "Hello, {name}, {name2}!")]
struct TemplateWithBlock {
name: String,
name2: TemplateBlock,
To use rocket
with bourbon, enable the following feature to Cargo.toml.
bourbon = { version = "0.2.0", path = "../bourbon/bourbon", features = ["rocket"] }
#[template(file = "templates/index.html")]
struct TestTemplate {
name: String,
age: i32,
fn index() -> TestTemplate {
TestTemplate::new(("Alice".to_string(), 27))