Showcase your work using streamlit and Gradio
- How to install streamlit and Hello World!
- Add Header, button
- Write Dataframe to streamlit
- slider
- Line chart
- multiselect and select options
- checkbox
- Progress bar
- Sidebar
- Install
- InferFace with text, area, input, output change
- ChatInferFace
- Customization using block
- Deploy porject on hugging face space
- fix invalid credentials when doing commit to hugging face
- Generate Access token to push to hugging face space
Use case: to finds links betweek the connections on social media to find out crime suspect, finding out relationship, to visualize algorithms and find out shortest path etc
- Install
- Create nodes and edges
- Change size, color, shape
- Create multiple nodes
- Networkx and create a cyclic graph with physics and without physics
- Add menu
Create beautiful graphs using Bokeh
- Install
- Create a line graph
- Customize your point to circle, star, hexa etc
- hexbin
- Scatter
- stack
- Install
- Create a line chart
- Creat a pair plot
- Create Bar chart
- Create a stack
- Create scatter plot
Create beautifulgraphs using plotly and dash
- Install
- Create a line chart
- Creat a pair plot
- Create Bar chart
- Create a stack
- Create scatter plot
Create beautifulgraphs using Matplotlib and dash
- Install
- Create a line chart
- Creat a pair plot
- Create Bar chart
- Create a stack
- Create scatter plot