Slack concludes by default cooperation with Trello.
However Slack is not the function to notify of the time limit of the card.
It is necessary to prepare before time.
You must construct an email server.
You should be able to receive it at least.
- OS centOS: release 6.6 (Final)
$ git clone [email protected]:Slack-Channels/trello2slack.git
path: /etc/postfix/
alias_maps = hash:/etx/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
$ sudo service postfix restart
path: /etc/aliases
# "receive user" : "command to operate when if you receive"
trello: "| /usr/bin/php /<path>/trello2slack/app.php > /dev/null 2>&1"
$ sudo newaliases
$ sudo chown nobody:nobody trello2slack -R
- Incoming WebHooks
- use
curl -X POST --data-urlencode ...token=<your token>
- setting -> Notifications -> (Periodically or Instantly)
- primary email is your server's mail
- if you want to receive time limit card, you must subscribe it
- Mail_mimeDecode
$ pear install Mail_mimeDecode
path: trello2slack/
write slack info
- subdomain
- token
- channel
- bot name
- emoji(
- emoji(