Here a platormer game for speedrun. The game is on Linux and you need pygame for now and Windows.
- Download the source
- Install pygame :
- for Arch: yaourt -S python-pygame
- for Debian/Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install python-pygame To launch the game, use ./start.py
- Download and extract the zip: https://mega.nz/#!vVRn3Zra!yzbGPgjjIBI-_yKsmHzRx49EIr2ynWbAoOP-Ezxz1-g
- Launch start.exe
You are a cube and you need to reach the end the most rapidly possible if you can. You have 3 abilities in total : go to left, go to right, jump; but you have only 2 of these abilities at one time. At the start, you play with left arrow and right arrow. When you reach a burgandy zone, your 2 new keys are shown on the screen.
Good luck, have fun !
- 777 (Nomina) : http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Nonima/
- Lol u died
- Spike by Arnaud Jomard
- Keyboard keys : http://www.techonthenet.com/clipart/keyboard/
- Keyboard arrows : http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/arrow-keys-vectors_558586.htm#term=keyboard%20arrow&page=1&position=1