This package was forked from MadisonReed/usps-webtools, but it has been modernized with Typescript and Promises (async/await). Note: Version 2 is a drop-in replacement for MadisonReed/usps-webtools, it produces the same output. Version 3 uses the same output from USPS, with the exception of Address1 and Address2 being switched, per social norms.
npm install usps-webtools-promise
Initializing the usps model with a user id.
const USPS = require("usps-webtools-promise").default;
// or
import USPS from "usps-webtools-promise";
const usps = new USPS({
// USPS returns ALL CAPS, this boolean turns on Proper Caps for both Street lines and City. This is an optional item. Defaults to true.
properCase: boolean,
// Staging will run all functions on the USPS Staging servers instead of Production. Defaults to false.
staging: boolean,
// This can be created by going to and registering for an id
userId: "USPS User id",
Verify takes one parameter: object[]
object[]: [{Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip}]
Address1: "322 3rd st.",
Address2: "Apt 2",
City: "San Francisco",
State: "CA",
Zip5: "94103",
}, {
Address1: "322 3rd st.",
Address2: "Apt 2",
City: "San Francisco",
State: "CA",
Zip5: "94103",
.then((address) => {
Verify takes one parameter: object
object: Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip
Address1: "322 3rd st.",
Address2: "Apt 2",
City: "San Francisco",
State: "CA",
Zip5: "94103",
.then((address) => {
zipCodeLookup takes one parameter: object.
object: Address1, Address2, City, State
const address = await usps.zipCodeLookup({
Address1: "322 3rd st.",
Address2: "Apt 2",
City: "San Francisco",
State: "CA",
cityStateLookup takes one parameter: zipcode.
zipcode: 5 digit Zip Code as a string
const result = await usps.cityStateLookup("94107");
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 91.64 | 62.65 | 93.75 | 91.64 |
src | 95.85 | 55.55 | 100 | 95.85 |
address-validate.ts | 96 | 37.5 | 100 | 96 | 81,84,87,93
multiple-address-validate.ts | 92.77 | 54.54 | 100 | 92.77 | 62,65,68,80-82
usps.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
src/lookups | 84.81 | 66.66 | 83.33 | 84.81 |
city-state-lookup.ts | 100 | 83.33 | 100 | 100 | 45
pricing-rate-lookup.ts | 74.49 | 100 | 50 | 74.49 | 112-149
zip-code-lookup.ts | 95.83 | 54.54 | 100 | 95.83 | 57,60,63
src/utils | 95.65 | 75 | 100 | 95.65 |
proper-case.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
request.ts | 94.23 | 64.28 | 100 | 94.23 | 54-55,61,112,122-123,127-129