Support for Spine-based Java apps running at Google Cloud.
Starting version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.63
, the artifacts of this library are being built with Java 11
compilation target. Therefore, the consumer applications have to use Java 11 or higher.
Previous versions were build with Java 8.
// Compatible with Java 8:
dependencies {
// Datastore Storage support library.
// Pub/Sub messaging support library.
// Stackdriver Trace support library.
// Datastore-related test utilities (if needed).
These artifacts should be used as a part of the Spine server application.
For the details on setting up the server environment please refer to
Spine Bootstrap Gradle plugin and Spine core
modules documentation.
In order to run the application built on top of gcloud-java
, Datastore instance requires some
preliminary configuration. In particular, the indexes for the Spine internal record types should
be set. Please notice a special index configuration for your custom Aggregate
The configuration file is located at ./datastore/config/index.yaml
Please see the Google Cloud Platform documentation for the details.
It is possible to store some of the Spine Entity
fields in separate Datastore kind fields.
Such an approach is useful to optimize read-side querying. In this case more Datastore indexes may
be created.
Assuming you have a Projection type called CustomerProjection
. Its state is declared in
the Protobuf type
. It has Entity Columns country
and companySize
Once you try to make a query in those Columns, the Datastore will fail with
an internal Exception. To prevent this, you should create an index for your CustomerProjection
- kind:
ancestor: no
- name: country
- name: companySize
This section describes testing the gcloud-java
library itself.
The library utilizes Testcontainers in order to run a local Datastore emulator.
Therefore, a local Docker is required up and running, in order to launch tests.
Datastore and testutil-gcloud
To start a local Docker-based emulator and run test against it, run ./gradlew check
Emulator container is re-used across tests. After test run is completed, the emulator container shuts down automatically.
Some tests also verify a connection to a remote Datastore instance. In order to run those,
the corresponding credential file called spine-dev.json
should be placed under
<project root>/datastore/src/test/resources/
and <project root>/testutil-gcloud/src/test/resources/
Gradle build script is arranged to do that automatically upon running on CI.
The test are launched in a scope of Gradle test
phase. However, they rely on a Google Cloud
credentials file located at <project root>/stackdriver-trace/src/test/resources/spine-dev.json
To run the tests, obtain the service account file for your environment and make it available to the test code in the specified locations.